Friday 7 January 2011

When The Headline Doesn't Describe The Story...

Seen in the 'Telegraph' on Wednesday:

Argh! Why would anyone wish to save such a monster!? Kill it! Kill it WITH FIRE!

Oh, hang on...
A businessman who spent three years in a wheelchair with a mysterious flesh-eating condition was finally cured after a television documentary about spiders revealed the cause of his condition.
Well, that's quite a different kettle of fish, isn't it?


  1. I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised to read:

    "after six weeks of cleaning, dressing and compressing the wound which was several inches wide, it started to heal and has now almost completely recovered."

    I mean, after all, he'd only been being treated by the NHS for three years plus, so why on earth would anyone have thought of cleaning, dressing and compressing a wound, on a regular basis?

    What revolutionary medical thinking! Thank heavens for all that taxpayer money "invested" in The Envy Of The World.

  2. I've never cooked fish in the kettle actually, Julia.

  3. I'm obviously spending far too long on the wrong sort of websites.

    My brain now sees TV as Transvestite first and not Television

    and thought the story more interesting than it actually was.

  4. And here's another headline that doesn't describe the story "David Chaytor jailed for 18 months for expenses fraud".

    According to PM on R4 tonight, by the time he's had time deducted for this, that and t'other, he'll be out in May.

    Although if he's boarded at an HMP Ford style establishment, I'd count that as out already.

  5. "Thank heavens for all that taxpayer money "invested" in The Envy Of The World."

    Indeed! I've heard some basic cleanliness horror stories about my local hospital that make me shudder...

    "I've never cooked fish in the kettle actually, Julia."

    Me neither, but salmon in a dishwasher is certainly possible... ;)

    "I'm obviously spending far too long on the wrong sort of websites.

    My brain now sees TV as Transvestite first and not Television "

    Me too!

    "Although if he's boarded at an HMP Ford style establishment, I'd count that as out already."

    He might want to stay in for the weekend, though. I hear the barbecue is pretty good! :)
