Sunday 27 February 2011

Did We Need More Proof That Footballers Are Dim?

Because we've got some:
...but Cole claimed he was unaware that the rifle was loaded.

That's why you always assume that they are, and treat them accordingly.

Of course, the 'Guardian' reporter can't quite conceal his hoplophobia:
Former Arsenal star Cole, 30, arrived at Chelsea's Cobham training ground in Surrey holding the weapon, complete with a muzzle and nightscope, last week
Eeeeie! A scope! SNIPER!!!


  1. A muzzle? On a gun?
    Who'd a thunk it?

    Be a bloody strange gun without a muzzle.

  2. Hilarious moral outrage in the article. A GUN! no less. Yes, but a legal one and one which can normally be used by anyone without causing any harm whatsoever. And then only at the end do they get to the point which is that Cole apparently used it inappropriately.

    Did his mum never tell him to not point a gun at someone even if it's "not loaded"?

  3. I've only ever dealt with proper guns (an automatic rifle) so can only assume with regards to an air rifle, but that's why you have a safety catch and that's why you never point it at someone unless you mean to kill them.

  4. In the Forces it's called a 'negligent discharge'. I seem to recall that he has past form in this area, perhaps not with an air rifle though.

  5. A muzzle!

    I thought fooblers' dogs all came from the same stable where Ms Rott and Mr Weiller saw them coming a mile off...

    wonder what the mutt/gun was called...

  6. Did you say "sniper"?

  7. Sorry, works better with the link

  8. Given my rugby league club has recruited a man exiled from Australia on account of 'something to do with a monkey', I'd better keep quiet.

  9. "Be a bloody strange gun without a muzzle."

    Yeah, I puzzled over that bit too! I wondered if they meant it had some sort of silencer, but I thought they might be illegal.

    An air rifle isn't particularly loud in the first place, is it?

    "Hilarious moral outrage in the article. "

    It always shines through, doesn't it?

    "...and that's why you never point it at someone unless you mean to kill them."

    Spot on!

    "In the Forces it's called a 'negligent discharge'. I seem to recall that he has past form in this area, perhaps not with an air rifle though."


  10. "Sorry, works better with the link "

    Ah, yes! I saw that incident. No huge overreaction from the Scottish police. I wonder what would happen here?

    "Given my rugby league club has recruited a man exiled from Australia on account of 'something to do with a monkey', I'd better keep quiet."


  11. The finest proof came a week or so ago when some exciteable foreign footballer decided to pick a fight with Joe Jordan.

  12. Oooh, I notice that you have a comment from Longrider. He has banned me from his site for daring to disagree with him. How Libertarian is that?

    Sell your house man and meet the market. It will be worth less next year! Your council tax is your problem. You pootled off to France and then shuffled back, defeated. This country owes you zilch.

  13. They probably did mean a silencer - air rifles, especially PCP types often have these to dampen the sound. They're not particularly loud, but with a silencer on, they are completely inaudible.

    What I'm curious about is why he's not being done for armed trespass and attempted murder - I'm sure if it _wasn't_ a famous footballer, the CPS would have already charged.

  14. "Did We Need More Proof That Footballers Are Dim"

    Did we need ANY in the first place ?

    I've always assumed that like the Earth revolves around the Sun .. it was a given ...

  15. Good point re the tresspass offences, or even a loaded air weapon in a public place, if the latter can be shown as such, maybe? But murder requires malice `aforethought`.
    Cole... forethought...?

  16. If any Footballer were to appear in Court .. its a dead cert they'd be aquitted on grounds of "Diminished Responsibility" ..

    Thick as pig shit & twice as lumpy .. the lot of 'em ...

  17. Even a suppressed air rifle is not inaudible. When the sear trips the spring makes a bloody great 'gloing' noise. Even the air-ram versions like yer Theobens aren't silent. For really sotto voce snipery you want a .22LR rifle with a big can suppressor and subsonic ammunition. That's the closest you'll get to a gun making a genuine hollywood 'phut' sound when it goes off. I've used a BSA bolt-action weapon in this configuration and from 25 yards away it sounded like a vole farting.

    It always amazes me how unfamiliar the average thicko journalist is with weapons and weapons terminology. If this airgun had a 'nightscope' (i.e. a thermal imaging or image intensifier scope) my flabber would be ghasted into a cocked hat. Fuckwits.
