Wednesday 11 May 2011

There's One Vital Difference, Barbara...

Barbara Ellen in CiF on what she sees as the 'unkindness' shown to the McCanns:
Superficial generational differences aside, they remind me of Winnie Johnson, now terminally ill but still cropping up in the media, begging Ian Brady to tell her where her son, Keith Bennett, is buried on the moors. If anyone feels sympathy for Mrs Johnson, they should feel the same for the McCanns.
Keith Bennett was 12, and making his way to his grandmother's house when he was snatched off the street.

If he'd been left unattended in a holiday home along with his infant siblings, I can pretty much guarantee the response would be the same as it has been to the McCanns. In fact, probably worse.


  1. The other difference being that if Keith Bennett had been snatched on holiday, it would have been from a holiday camp in Rhyl.

    Also, Mrs Johnson has been the modicum of dignity and restraint. She hasn't been the "darling" of the Daily Express and nor has she cashed in with a book deal.

    FWIW, if the Portuguese Police failed in anything, it was in not looking hard enough at the McCanns.

  2. It's like trying to compare chalk and cheese. The only similarity being innocent children involved, only one of whom was betrayed by parental neglect.

  3. Parental neglect! Bollocks. the child was murdered by an evil bastard. Leave them alone.

    'cashen in', that is obscene.

  4. The thing that the Bennett case teaches us is that it is almost impossible to find the unmarked grave of a murdered child.

    Despite half a century of searching, one of the finest police forces in the world (and as quick as I am to knock the UK, the Police are still by and large one of the best trained and resourced) can't find it on home ground.

    [While there is an outside chance that Maddy has been "Fritzled" and is a sex slave in some cellar somewhere, the realistic money is on her rotting in an unmarked grave.]

  5. "the child was murdered by an evil bastard"-Anon

    Yes but that evil bastard may well have been her own father, that's what the figures say.

    Certainly the McCanns have seemingly gone out of their way to appear guilty....and that from the 'get go'.

    'A dingo ate her' might have been a slightly more believable excuse.

  6. Greetings, I just wanted to comment and say that I was really impressed with your blog. Keep up the good work! You are a really talented writer and it shows that you are very knowledgeable when it comes to your articles.

  7. I feel that your comments criticising the McCanns are unfair. There is no evidence that they had anything to do with the kidnapping of their daughter other than leaving her alone in a holiday apartment.

    As a devoted father of two (now grown up) children and as a grandfather I can understand how a single poor judgement, that most parents get a way with, has led to a tragedy for the McCanns.

    This case is not comparable to the Brady case but some of the commenters here seem to be implying that a parent has to be vigilant every second and any failing or mis-judgement is 'neglect'. Try blaming the abductor/murderer not the victims.

    If I leave my car unlocked and it is stolen I am not the culprit, the thief is. I would have simply allowed him an opportunity to steal, he did not have to act on the opportunity.

  8. The comparison of tragedy here is completely uncalled for. Both the McCanns and Winnie Johnson have suffered in a way no parent not in such circumstances could possibly imagine. The difference is that Mrs Johnson is evidently the perp's plaything: either Brady knows where the body is or he doesn't. Giving out seemingly random information over the years is extending and increasing Mrs Johnson's misery unconscionably.

    The McCanns might have been, on the face of it, rather casual in leaving their daughter unattended. However, we've all (or at least I) have done this from time to time on holiday when my children were that age and - fortunately for me and mine - with no bad consequences. Again, I can't imagine what I would have done in the McCanns' place but I would have done everything I could. It's not charitable - to say the least - to condemn the McCanns for trying their damndest to find their daughter.

  9. Never believed that I would say this JuliaM.
    You Unutterable Fucking Bitch. I hpe the next time you have a shit that it's a hedgehog.
    And that goes for all the other cunts that have professed similar views.I'm leaving this blog, no fucking loss to you though.

  10. "F***W*T TW****R said...
    Never believed that I would say this JuliaM.
    You Unutterable Fucking Bitch. I hpe the next time you have a shit that it's a hedgehog.
    And that goes for all the other cunts that have professed similar views.I'm leaving this blog, no fucking loss to you though.
    11 May 2011 15:35"

    Someone needs their diaper changed.

  11. Shinar's Basket Case
    the word is nappy unless you're an arse wipe. So you think I need my nappy changing because I tooke umbrage at utter filth.
    You obviously don't have children otherwise you would understand what has been said and expressed on here. still, never mind troll.

  12. The Brit word is indeed 'nappy' , however the internet meme/phrase/insult uses the Ameritard. Personally I'd say 'windel' or more likely simply 'pampers' but you probably don't speak 'foreign'.

    I have 3 kids, one of whom was once abducted (we got him back before anything could happen, no thanks to the police). Just for the record... not that anyone has to believe anything said on the intrawebz....

  13. Kate McCanns got a lovely tan from lying in the Sun all week.

  14. PM to Mr/Mrs/Ms FW***

    Thank you for undertaking to 'leave' this blog.

  15. Ahh, that's better. Can't post a comment using my old browser, dunno why.

    ANYWAY... The comparison between Mrs Bennett and the McCanns is invalid because the McCanns, at the VERY least, contributed to the 'disappearance' of their daughter, by drugging her and leaving her alone, except for 2 year twins, in an insecure apartment, so they could go out eating and drinking.

    They couldn't even be bothered to check on her well-being themselves, and sent a mate to do so instead, who in turn did a half-arsed job and claims not to have been able to see Maddie from the angle they were standing at. Why go to check on a child if you don't actually do any checking when you get there?

    The McCanns said the shutter to Maddies window had been forced. The Police say it hadn't.

    There was Maddies blood in the apartment. And in the car.

    Sorry, I ain't buying it. People can bitch and whine all they like about 'hard-heartedness' and 'how would you feel?'.

    I have no idea how I would feel, and neither would any other responsible parent, because I would never have found myself in those circumstances. Ever.

    There is not enough evidence to charge anyone with anything. Nor is there anywhere near enough to say that the parents were not, in some way, involved.

    Julia - I promise not to spit my dummy and leave if you call me a w@@k@@, unless you ask me to.

  16. I really hope non of you fucking Wankers are judged by people like you. You'd be dead.
    And JuliaM, I really want YOU to suffer All the pain, torment and anguish that those two are going through.
    Rot in your own particular hell you bitch.

  17. 'I really hope non of you fucking Wankers are judged by people like you. You'd be dead.
    And JuliaM, I really want YOU to suffer All the pain, torment and anguish that those two are going through.
    Rot in your own particular hell you bitch.'

    The only pain torment and anguish they're going through is trying to remember the lies they've told these past four years. Don't make them out to be victims. Their daughter Madeleine is the one who suffered.

  18. "F***W*T TW****R said..."

    awwww diddums, did the nasty people make you cry?

    I thought you'd stormed out in a tantrum and weren't coming back?

  19. "Also, Mrs Johnson has been the modicum of dignity and restraint. She hasn't been the "darling" of the Daily Express and nor has she cashed in with a book deal. "

    Indeed. Though of course, had she been so inclined, the vultures would have been there, waving their chequebooks...

    "Bollocks. the child was murdered by an evil bastard. "

    Unfortunately, I suspect this is one case that will never be solved, so we'll never know if that's true or not.

    "The thing that the Bennett case teaches us is that it is almost impossible to find the unmarked grave of a murdered child."

    Sadly, so many people seem to believe that life is like a tv show - all wrapped up neat and tidy eventually...

    "...but some of the commenters here seem to be implying that a parent has to be vigilant every second and any failing or mis-judgement is 'neglect'."

    For two supposedly-educated professionals, it's staggeringly-poor misjudgement. And their behaviour since has not been as you'd expect. Wouldn't questions be asked if they were a slum estate couple?

    If so, why should questions NOT be asked of them?

  20. "Both the McCanns and Winnie Johnson have suffered in a way no parent not in such circumstances could possibly imagine."

    That's certainly true, and a far more accurate link between the two than Barbara was capable of drawing...

    "I'm leaving this blog..."

    Oh, well. Can't please all the people all the time.

    "There was Maddies blood in the apartment. And in the car."

    I thought that'd been discredited?

    But I'm not that familiar with the case; there's something very distasteful about the whole media circus surrounding it, so I haven't read up on it as much as others...

  21. 'There was Maddies blood in the apartment. And in the car."

    I thought that'd been discredited?

    But I'm not that familiar with the case; there's something very distasteful about the whole media circus surrounding it, so I haven't read up on it as much as others...

    Discredited by Team McCann and slavishly pushed by a compliant media. Bear in mind that their spokesman/spin doctor is Clarence Mitchell who is employed by the Murdoch empire.

  22. Please tell me you haven't redacted my comment?

    I think so much more highly of you than that, so I guess the dingo ate my comment?

  23. Just like the dingo ate Maddie?

    Oooh, was that wrong?

  24. "Please tell me you haven't redacted my comment?"

    Nope, it's Blogger. All the comments I made in reply to the Wednesday posts (and the Thursday posts themselves) were wiped out... :(

    I've republished the Thursday posts, and if the comments haven't come back by this afternoon, I'll try to post replies again, assuming I can remember what I said.
