Thursday 2 June 2011

BBC In 'Saving Money' Shock!

The BBC has been accused of snubbing the Olympic Games...
Hurrah! refusing to include the new 2012 Stadium in London on the EastEnders map.
Council chiefs and MPs are angry that BBC bosses have decided not to feature the 80,000-seat venue in the opening and closing credits of the Corporation’s most popular show. They say the omission undermines the Olympic organisers’ bid to revitalise East London and produce a lasting legacy.
What the hell business is it of council chiefs or MPs? I would have expected this to be the handiwork of Coe or his minions, but no...
BBC bosses insisted there will be no further changes because they would be too costly. A spokeswoman also said the map and credits moved so quickly across the screen that viewers would be unable to spot the Olympics site anyway.
For once, it's the Beeb that's being economical. There's a turn-up for the books, eh?


  1. Yeah, right, we haven't seen the bill for all the presenters and other resources that will be spent like there's no tomorrow on this utter waste of time and money!

  2. Captain Haddock2 June 2011 at 17:59

    "The BBC has been accused of snubbing the Olympic Games..."

    The accusers may also point the finger at me, if they wish ..

    Because much as I dislike what the BBC has become & what it represents ..

    I too will be boycotting the bloody Olympics, albeit for different reasons ..

  3. "the omission undermines the Olympic organisers’ bid to revitalise East London"

    If this wonderful new world is so easily undermined by the credits on a soap, then it wasn't particularly solid in the first place.

  4. "blah blah blah...and produce a lasting legacy."

    Why isn't "..of more debt" on the end there ?

  5. "Yeah, right, we haven't seen the bill for all the presenters and other resources..."

    At least this time we won't be ponying up for transatlantic air fares!

    "If this wonderful new world is so easily undermined by the credits on a soap, then it wasn't particularly solid in the first place."

    Spot on!
