Wednesday 1 June 2011

Chivalry – Yr Doin’ It Wrong….

Parrish just happened to passing Mr Taylor as he argued with partner Jamie Girvan outside a New Year's Eve party in Harold Hill, Essex.

The court heard Parrish had become engaged to his own girlfriend earlier the same night but lost his temper when the night 'turned sour'.

When he saw the other couple arguing, he shouted: 'Get your hands off her' before stabbing Mr Taylor in the chest, back and side in the early hours of January 1, 2004.
A complete stranger. Picture that…
Barry Edwards, Mr Taylor's uncle, was also stabbed three times as he tried to fight Parrish off with a beer bottle.
And this isn’t a case where the killer was immediately apprehended, either:
Despite the attack happening more than seven years ago, Parrish was not caught because there was no scientific evidence at the scene linking him to the crime.

He was only charged last year after four former girlfriends told police he had confessed to the crime.

He got 29 years. We, the taxpayers, will now keep this piece of subhuman filth in comparative luxury for the next quarter-century.

Hell, if he feels like it, we’ll even cover the costs and logistics of artificial insemination for whichever low-esteem member of the female sex opts to become his baby-mother.

Or if any of his no doubt equally worthless relatives falls ill, we’ll even let him out of prison to care for them.


  1. Notice that it took the Old Bill 5 years to follow up a first-hand report from his then girlfriend that he had confessed, and bragged about, the murder.

  2. Routine law enforcement standards at work - nothing to see here, folks.

    We can only hope against experience, that this despicable murderer will never roam the streets again. Our gratitude is really owed to the murderer's scorned women. My derision is reserved for the lazy, incompetent police who fitted-up an innocent man for convenience and in ruthless anticipation of undeserved commendation.

  3. He got 29 years. We, the taxpayers, will now keep this piece of subhuman filth in comparative luxury for the next quarter-century.

    We really have only two other alternatives - free him or execute him.

  4. Must be the polices fault if they can't immediately solve a stranger murder with no evidence.
    What evidence is the scorned girlfriends word-look at the Chris Huhne case?
    Keep bashing Melvin,i'm sure you would have solved it straight away with your crystal ball

  5. Another vile creature appeared in today's tabloids, anonymous Jaded. He was not ordained but did have fallen arches. Imagine you are newly promoted to CID and make your inaugural guess at his line of work:

    'Bryan Davis, 87, was today jailed for 11 years after being found guilty of 20 historical offences including rape and indecent assault over a 45-year period.'

  6. I don't see the idle rozzers bit in this one Melvin. The problems in cases like this come from our system not having much regard for actual investigation. He clearly should have used the witchcraft defence.

  7. "Notice that it took the Old Bill 5 years to follow up a first-hand report from his then girlfriend..."

    It seems they get a hell of a lot of these sort of reports, from reading Gadget's blog. I suppose they rely on corroborative physical evidence, of which there was none initially.

    "My derision is reserved for the lazy, incompetent police who fitted-up an innocent man for convenience..."

    And took it all the way, too!

    "The problems in cases like this come from our system not having much regard for actual investigation. He clearly should have used the witchcraft defence."

    I think that's reserved only for certain groups...

  8. Why would anyone brag about being a murderer? I'm guessing he feels no shame or sorrow or remorse!

  9. Well done MTG,you found a really corrupt police officer.That makes all of us the same doesn't it?
    Everyone I know called Melvin is an idiot,so that makes them all an idiot doesn't it?

  10. PS-Melvin, you fell into a classic cliche about the police.You do not get PROMOTED to CID,it's a sideways move.I am a humble uniform plod but cannot be ordered around by a DC (but they do try).
    Also pregnant woman cannot pee in my hat.
