Saturday 18 June 2011

Common Sense At Last!

Council bosses have said a metal fence on which a seven-year-old boy impaled his hand will not be removed after it carried out an inspection.
Hasan Hussain slipped while attempting to climb the five-and-a-half foot fence to retrieve a football and impaled his hand on the spike.
Ah, there you go – nothing wrong with the fence, it was attempting to do its job (keep people out).
And it has now emerged a second child suffered a horrific injury to his hand in a similar incident three weeks ago.

Zeeshaan Ashras, 10, who attends Lomeshaye Primary School, ripped tendons and damaged nerves and muscle in his finger after slipping on the fence.
So, little Hasan should have learned a valuable lesson from that, shouldn’t he?
Zeeshaan’s Uncle, Javed Ashras, who lives with his nephew in Victoria Street, Nelson, is now backing Hassan’s family who are calling on the council to remove the railings.
And leave the building site open?

Yeah, that’d be a really big safety improvement, wouldn’t it?
“That fence is ridiculous. If these incidents happened anywhere else the council would have been out and removed them by now. ”
‘If the incidents happened anywhere else..’? Just what do you suppose he means by that?
Iftekhar Bokhari, senior regeneration officer at Pendle Cuncil, said:

“It’s extremely unfortunate that youngsters have sustained injuries on the metal fencing in Every Street.

But I must stress that the whole purpose of the fence is to keep people out of a building site.

“Injuries can happen when climbing over high security fences, which are designed to deter people from entering restricted areas.”
And designed to keep little Hasans and little Zeeshans from playing with the heavy plant instead of their footballs.

Alsio designed to stop others (say, their older brothers?) from stealing them…
The council is now contacting local schools, mosques and churches to remind youngsters the area is a building site and not suitable for playing in.
If they really need reminding, perhaps there’s far too much cousin-marriage going on in this area…


  1. My other half is in charge of several sites. They have to put lots of warning signs up to stop people entering. They´ve already lost thousands of pounds worth of copper and have had to employ a night watchman with a big Alsation on each one now because the fences are not enough. What on earth would happen if one of the offenders got bitten?

    Perhaps if the kids learnt to read, it might help?

  2. I can't be the only one musing over that collection of surnames, surely?

  3. Are there any English people in Pendle?

  4. Perhaps best to muse also on the Public Order Act 1986 before expressing yourself too clearly on that subject.

    There is always room in prison for people who dare to express the wrong point of view.

  5. The fences will start moving and targeting next. Wouldn't we normally expect parents to complain of no fencing? aco

  6. Well done Mr Bokhari for having a pair of balls and telling em like it is, unlike Sue (hola) who has no balls and lives on a Spanish mountain....can you read Spanish Sue? ;)

    (filed under, yet another ex-pat gobbing off about a country she doesn`t live in)

  7. The child most recently injured by the fence may not have been aware of the injuries suffered by the other child.

    Surely Pendle council can have the fence replaced with one children can't climb which doesn't cause the injuries this fence has caused.

  8. I assume that: "The council is now contacting local schools, mosques and churches to remind youngsters the area is a building site and not suitable for playing in" lists the institutions in the correct order?

    It would be horrible of us nasty whites to put the muzzies last on the list.

  9. Captain Haddock18 June 2011 at 19:16

    There's a basic misconception here that Business owners, Site managers, Power & Utility companies & possibly even the Military have a right to erect fences to protect their premises ..

    The fact is that such fences intrinsically deny thieves, vandals & others their yuman rights to damage and/or pilfer whatever takes their fancy ..

    And god forbid that anyone so breaching such a fence should be injured .. That simply leaves the way wide open to claims for compensayshun ..

    And nothing .. but nothing must be permitted to stand in the way of that ..

  10. "Are there any English people in Pendle?"

    jī nahīn!

    Ami jani na.

  11. An American think tank proposed two solutions for Pendle. The first was excessively violent and carpet bombing cannot be the answer, either.

  12. "Perhaps if the kids learnt to read, it might help?"

    I doubt it. It'd just be an English plot against them...

    "I can't be the only one musing over that collection of surnames, surely?"


    "Surely Pendle council can have the fence replaced with one children can't climb..."

    Why should they? How about these little brats obey the rules or take the consequences instead?
