Tuesday 7 June 2011

Definition Of ‘Child’ Steadily Increases Upwards…

Sussex children will be asked what they think about the police.
Oh? What ages are we talking about?
The survey for 11 to 25-year-olds

Since when was anyone over the age of 18 a ‘child’? Did some dimwit cop get confused by the supermarket’s ‘Look Under 25?’ guidelines, or is it the fault of the ‘Argus’ journos?
… will run throughout the summer and will be used to shape Sussex Police services for young people.
Ah. ‘Young people’ could – just – incorporate the 20-25 bracket, I suppose…
Chief Inspector Laurence Taylor said: "The purpose of the survey is to give young people and children the opportunity to share their experience and opinions of the police in their area, good or bad, in confidence and to suggest what improvements could be made. "
Funny. I’d have guessed the purpose of the survey to be getting a tick in he ‘community relations’ box for Chief Inspector Taylor, myself…
"The survey is one of many initiatives currently underway to better understand and communicate with children and young people. The results of the survey will be published on the Children and Young People's website for Sussex Police in the autumn, which is currently being developed in consultation with a variety of youth groups."
‘Many initiatives’, eh..?

Who said those cuts were going to lead to fewer officers and more crime? It seems there’s plenty of fat in the payroll budget to be trimmed first.


  1. Public bodies have got very good at asking irrelevant groups about the way they should do their jobs. The basic idea is to avoid actual customers and poll populations with only virtual engagement.

  2. You hit it spot-on, Julia. Of such are such as Chief Inspector Taylor made Chief Inspector, and not Sergeant. And of such will Chief Inspector Taylor be made Chief Superintendent Taylor. It works in all government and local government employment. Doing a good job? Sod that for a game of soldiers. If you're ambitious,learn all the Corporate and PC buzzwords and jargon and bullshit, learn to talk a good job, that's where promotion lies.

  3. Each member of this plod carousal, sorry, think-tank colossus, is in receipt of a six figure salary and a personalised radiator. But enough of the cruel gossip....

    This behemoth of expenditure, which is yet in its infancy, has Sussex police aspiring to such flexibility on age that it may even solicit we 'teens' and contact the 'retired' through a series of midnight seances.

  4. Well spotted Julia.
    The fact that Sussex Police waste good money on such 'outreach work' (who do they think they are- missionaries ?) should be highlighted every time a big cheese in ACPO, or on the opposition front bench, bleats about 'cuts to essential front line services'.

  5. " The basic idea is to avoid actual customers and poll populations with only virtual engagement."

    I wish I could say that Teresa May would be the one to bring this to a halt, but after her bizarre policy re: extremism yesterday, I can't help but think she's just going to continue the madness.

    "Doing a good job? Sod that for a game of soldiers. If you're ambitious,learn all the Corporate and PC buzzwords and jargon and bullshit, learn to talk a good job, that's where promotion lies."

    Sadly true.

    "...Sussex Police waste good money on such 'outreach work' (who do they think they are- missionaries ?) ..."

    There's a possible angle - how dare they interfere in foreign cultures, etc... ;)

  6. Just don't mention the detection rate, eh ?

  7. Not at all unusual for 'Organisations' and other bodies to class anyone 25 or under as 'youth'.

    Probably helps to make them appear more 'caring'?
