Wednesday 8 June 2011

Do They Ever Listen To What Comes Out Of Their Own Mouths?

A man has been jailed for a “very unpleasant” attack in a Didcot pub.

Daley Johnson bit a bouncer’s thumb and knocked another man to the ground before “stamping or jumping on him”.
What a charmer! Clearly, his hired mouthpiece thought so too, despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary:
Mr Lownds said the self-employed farrier, who has a previous conviction for causing actual bodily harm, is “a man who is kind, honest, gentle, disciplined and full of integrity, not somebody who is generally violent”.

Judge wasn’t impressed, for once:
Judge King jailed him for two years.
Better than nothing, I suppose. Lownds gets paid either way, of course…


  1. What a shame, hard and expensive to find a good farrier these days.

  2. Just once I'd like to see a judge smirk and say "Nice try sunshine but your client's actions directly contradict those words."

  3. Ancient +Tattered Airman8 June 2011 at 19:49

    Mr Lownds said the self-employed farrier, who has a previous conviction for causing actual bodily harm, is “a man who is kind, honest, gentle, disciplined and full of integrity, not somebody who is generally violent”.

    Judge King jailed him for two years.

    Should have sentenced the defence lawyer for twice as long for telling lies in court!

  4. [i]"Should have sentenced the defence lawyer for twice as long for telling lies in court!"[/i]

    Curious as to why such blatant lying is not classed as Contempt Of the very least.

  5. Oh...why is my html not hiss.

  6. Wrong sort of brackets, Tattyfalarr.
    You should have used the pointy ones, like this < and >.

  7. testing one two free

  8. Cheers Frank !

    Not sure why the squaredy type ones didn't work...they have before and elsewhere...ho hum..thanks again :)

  9. "Just once I'd like to see a judge smirk and say "Nice try sunshine but your client's actions directly contradict those words.""

    Me too, but it'd probably be grounds for appeal!
