Sunday 5 June 2011

Good Dog!

A teenager was caught by a police dog after ripping lead from the roof of a train station. The dog gave chase after Jack Hills was spotted taking more than £1,700 of metal from the c2c station in Thorpe Bay.
Wow! That must be a lot of lead! No wonder he was so easy to catch...

I hope he had his shots.

I mean the dog, of course…
Hills, 18, of York Road, Southend, appeared at Southend Magistrates’ Court, where he pleaded guilty to theft.
Oooh, let me guess, first offence?
The court heard he had a drug problem and had already been given a youth rehabilitation order for a previous offence.

He admitted failing to comply with the order by missing appointments on March 5 and 12.

But what about an amusing excuse? He owes us that, surely?
In a police interview, Hills had said he was living rough and did not have the money to make the appointments.

He had been made redundant and had not been claiming Jobseekers’ allowance, because he was “too proud.”
But clearly, not ‘too proud’ to steal


  1. Captain Haddock5 June 2011 at 10:55

    Good dog ! ..

    Give it an extra bone .. preferrably the head of this thieving, lying numptie ..

  2. I hope the dug grabbed him where his brains are.

  3. Couldn't be arsed to go down and sign on was more probable. They do expect all sorts of unfair things when you apply for jobseekers allowance, like LOOKING FOR A JOB!

  4. 'But what about an amusing excuse?' You missed out the best bit:

    In mitigation, George Lewzey said: “He’s trying to get a job in the building trade.

    Meanwhile, when thieves stole a 9' x 2' piece of lead from a miniature hospital in Great Yarmouth, it was estimated it would fetch about £30 on the black market.

    So today's maths problem is: If £30 gets you a hooky bit of lead 9' x 2', how big a piece would you get for £1,700?

    Forget supervision orders - sign the kid up for the 2012 Olympic weightlifting team at once!

  5. "I hope the dug grabbed him where his brains are."

    Me too!

    "Couldn't be arsed to go down and sign on was more probable. They do expect all sorts of unfair things when you apply for jobseekers allowance, like LOOKING FOR A JOB!"


    "Forget supervision orders - sign the kid up for the 2012 Olympic weightlifting team at once!"

    Yup, I suspect the prosecution's version of fisherman's tall tales at play here...
