Monday 13 June 2011

It Could Be The New ‘Big Brother’!

After all, at its heart, it's just as mean-spirited and judgemental as the old one:
They have hired bin police forces, stuck microchips in the wheelie bins and dragged their residents to court for disobedience to strict rubbish rules.

Now there is a new option for local councils anxious to ensure that families follow instructions about rubbish - in-bin cameras.
The utter stupidity of that concept (and a few easy ways to subvert it) has already been comprehensively rubbished by Longrider over at 'Orphans'.

But it's the gleeful anticipation of gaining a new power over others that seems to be driving this research:
Researcher Anja Thieme said: 'There is a naming and shaming element to the experiment although it's fun rather than humiliating.

'Waste has a massive environmental impact. By taking a photograph and uploading it to Facebook, the idea is that we create a platform for self-reflection, a permanent reminder.

'It's a bit like having your conscience sat on your shoulder niggling away at you. And on top of that you know that other people are also judging you.'
Sounds delightful, Anja. But what are you going to do when you realise that some people just don't care about the judgements of others?

Furthermore, that they will take perverse delight in subverting and sabotaging your little project at every opportunity?

Because they've looked at you, and people like you, and decided that you won't serve as their conscience if they can help it...


  1. Crackpot idea from a student, the scary thing is this dross might end up getting taxpayer's money.

  2. So, let me get this straight. If I am not on Faecesbook I can't see myself staring into a bin?

    And can I also assume that the old definition of 'fun' has been amended by the mind-and-waste-disposal-control-freaks?

    Hmmm, stinky nappies coming your way, camera...

  3. What if I can't affrod either the Internet or a computer. Will I be able to apply for a Government grant due to being marginalised. After all, I will not be able to join in the 'fun'.

  4. It'll go the same way as the microchip in my wheelie bin. Hammer, screwdriver, problem solved.

    They want to use the money they extort from me in council tax to spy on me, on my own property, to ensure I'm performing the service they charge me heavily for? Well fuck that!

  5. 'There is a naming and shaming element to the experiment although it's fun rather than humiliating.

    I cannot see how any 'shaming' can be fun except for the person doing the 'shaming'

    Hmmm Anja Thieme, Not quite Anne Smith I wonder who she is, ah yes, another joy given to us from our social democrat friends in the EU.

  6. Public shaming, the classic idea of how to 'educate' the stroppy peasants:

    Btw, if you mix red and green you get brown.

  7. Loki,

    It seem the Internet is being classed by the UN as a human right. So go complain to your MP.

    In the meantime I can think of an upside for those bin piccys. Remember when he who must not be named was well known but nobody wanted to post. Well get the council to post it on the web site for you. Just type the post pop in the bin and let the council spread it around the web.

    In the meantime have fun with porny pictures. That should trigger a few heart attacks among those prissy whingy whiney do gooders.

  8. Captain Haddock13 June 2011 at 19:05

    @ Pavlov's Cat ..

    I clicked on the link .. and have to say that despite her loony ideas & obviously Leftie politics ..

    I would .. well, it'd save spoiling a good 'un .. ;)

  9. Apparently she wants us to make friends with artefacts.

  10. @Captain H , well yes.

    But you have to wonder what sort of short shrift she would have got in the Fatherland proposing this sort of thing.

    The memories of the Stasi & those other chaps at not very far away.

    It's a bit of a turn about that she has to come to UK to get such snooping authorized.

  11. Anyone who would take lectures from a bin (sic) and is concerned by the disapproval of someone on ******* Facebook deserves alll they get

  12. I may be missing something here but if it wasn't rubbish I wouldn't be throwing it away...

  13. Some people might get hold of mannequin parts, dip them in ketchup and drop them in the bin. Some people might visit the local abbatoir and pick up a load of pig guts. Some people might coat Halloween rubber eyes in clear gel, attach red string to the backs of them and put those in the bin.

    Of course, I don't know anyone who would ever do anything lke that, but my friends do.

  14. "What if I can't affrod either the Internet or a computer."

    As Lord T has pointed out, it's your 'uman right, innit?

    "It'll go the same way as the microchip in my wheelie bin. Hammer, screwdriver, problem solved."

    'Yeah, mate, technology, eh? Always going wrong. Real mystery...'

    " ah yes, another joy given to us from our social democrat friends in the EU. "

    Good point! Bloody foreigners, coming over here, oppressing our citizens...

    "Apparently she wants us to make friends with artefacts."


    "Of course, I don't know anyone who would ever do anything lke that..."

    Oh, the fun to be had! :)

  15. "Naming and shaming"? What about Yooman Rights? The only way to deal with this nonsense is to play victim poker, but I'm not sure where an environmental full house stands against a privacy flush.
