Wednesday 1 June 2011

No, Polly ‘Chav’ Does Not Equal ‘Working Class’….

Polly Toynbee gets her facts wrong – again – on class:
Baroness Hussein-Ece tweeted: "Help. Trapped in a queue in chav land. Woman behind me explaining latest EastEnders plot to mate while eating largest bun I've ever seen." When challenged, she said she hadn't meant chav in any derogatory way. Of course not. But take a look at the venomous class-hate site ChavTowns to see what lies beneath.
So, ‘chav’ is a no-no but ‘toff’ is OK? Really, Polly?

Surely even the ‘Guardian’ isn’t giving you money for this load of old comment-bait?
She would presumably never say nigger or Paki, but chav is acceptable class abuse by people asserting superiority over those they despise.

Of course, to Polly, this all devolves back to the class struggle, even though you can be a chav without being working class, and though many, many hundred of thousands of working class people are not chavs…
Wrapped inside this little word is the quintessence of Britain's great social fracture. Over the last 30 years the public monstering of a huge slice of the population by luckier, better-paid people has become commonplace.
It’s not ‘a huge slice’ by any means, although with the help of the likes of Polly, it’s growing exponentially.
The best weapon in the class armoury fosters loathing of a "feral underclass" – its size vague and never delineated, relying on anecdotes of extreme dysfunction, of which any society has plenty. One sneer cleverly elides millions of low-earning workers in equal chav contempt for all living on an estate, drawing any benefit – even if in work – as cheats, addicts and layabouts.
Then whoever is doing the sneering doesn’t understand what a chav is any more than you do…


  1. Captain Haddock1 June 2011 at 09:08

    Polly Toynbee .. Only ever opens her big mouth, to change feet ..

  2. At the risk of being called racist/bigoted myself...

    "...even though you can be a chav without being working class..."

    In the north east, I think you'd be hard pushed to find any `chav' you could describe as `working,' let alone `working class.'

  3. Lol, Chavtown`s hilarious, it`s going on my blogroll, as you are dear...;)

  4. the 'Chav' culture embraces many of those in the underclass as well as many who consider themselves working class; that said Polly Toynbee just really annoys me. Why does she continue to be paid to write shite and be seemingly highly regarded in the lefty political class. I will raise a glass when i hear she's popped her cloggs!

  5. Gosh, could these heroes for Polly also be the ones the Guardianistas sneer at for their cheap package holidays?

  6. Guardian of our Times1 June 2011 at 13:27

    Hear Polly squawk. See Polly preen her feathers. Watch Polly fly away if the going gets tough.

  7. Joseph Goebbels has died but Polly Toynbee carries on his work.

  8. Ancient + Tattered Airman1 June 2011 at 22:51

    I think there must be something seriously wrong with her. It's as if a nasty maggot is continually nibbling away at her brain.

  9. 'One sneer cleverly elides millions of low-earning workers...

    ...and to lump it all in as a class issue does pretty much the same thing.

    It is a truth universally acknowledged that a left-wing journalist in possession of moral outrage must be in want of a sense of irony.

  10. "Only ever opens her big mouth, to change feet .."

    She's so reliably wrong on everything, isn't she?

    "Lol, Chavtown`s hilarious..."

    It is indeed! :)

    "Gosh, could these heroes for Polly also be the ones the Guardianistas sneer at for their cheap package holidays?"

    You know, I think they just might!
