Saturday 4 June 2011

One Law For Them, Because They Help Administer It?

A solicitor walked free from court after admitting helping a £850,000 fraudster hide evidence.
How cosy!
Jenny Liu, 40, passed notes from her client, Aaron Moore, to his girlfriend telling her to remove incriminating material from his house in Homerton.
You’d think conspiracy to pervert the course of justice would carry a heavier sentence, wouldn’t you?
Liu, of Barking, admitted perverting the course of justice and received a 12-month sentence suspended for two years.
That’ll teach her…


  1. On the plus side she is very unlikely to ever practice law ever again. The downside however is that we are more than likely to be supporting her for the rest of her life.

  2. This is nearly as bad as 'One Law for them because they pretend to uphold it'

    aka Gadgets latest post.

    Punch you to death, meh. Stab your granny, meh. Time off to raise your kids - meh. Break into a coppers house, by fuck that's 3 years and counting, sucker.

    Mummy x

  3. Imagine a solicitor smuggling something OUT of prison!

  4. I'm surprised it's worthy of comment. I feel sure that lawyers behave in this fashion all the time; inventing alibis, inventing mitigation, constructing plausible scenarios and coaching their clients in their delivery, smearing prosecution witnesses, even colluding in arranging for witnesses' unwillingness or inability to testify, suppressing prosecution evidence, not allowing prosecution witnesses to answer beyond "Yes" and "No," and all their other oh-so-clever tricks on their clients' behalf. So where would it lead if lawyers were all prosecuted for crimes against what we still seem to call Justice? I'm surprised CPS let this one through!

  5. "On the plus side she is very unlikely to ever practice law ever again."

    Can she be struck off/disbarred for this?

    "This is nearly as bad as 'One Law for them because they pretend to uphold it'"


    "Imagine a solicitor smuggling something OUT of prison!"


    "I feel sure that lawyers behave in this fashion all the time.."

    Lawyers; helping estate agents feel not quite so unloved...

  6. What is wrong with you? Prison is not a place for woman, the sooner custodial sentences are abolished for women the better.

    This man was obviously using her and his girlfriend and why should she suffer for what he has done.

    Please sign up and support the abolishment of prison for women.

  7. Captain Haddock4 June 2011 at 17:23

    "I feel sure that lawyers behave in this fashion all the time; inventing alibis, inventing mitigation, constructing plausible scenarios and coaching their clients in their delivery, smearing prosecution witnesses, even colluding in arranging for witnesses' unwillingness or inability to testify, suppressing prosecution evidence, not allowing prosecution witnesses to answer beyond "Yes" and "No," and all their other oh-so-clever tricks on their clients' behalf" ...

    And when they either get caught, or tire of doing all those things, they're eminently qualified to become MP's ..

  8. Dear Anonymong@15:29: fuck off. That is all.

  9. 'What is wrong with you? Prison is not a place for woman, the sooner custodial sentences are abolished for women the better.'

    we are in the presence of trolling greatness. I for one feel humbled.

  10. 'What is wrong with you? Prison is not a place for woman, the sooner custodial sentences are abolished for women the better.'

    I agree. Let them be flogged instead.

  11. I could care for lawyers a whole lot more, were I not vegetarian.

  12. "...the sooner custodial sentences are abolished for women the better."

    Yup, that's why some bird threw herself in front of the King's horse, all right...

    Sheesh! *rolls eyes*

    "I agree. Let them be flogged instead."

    I'm not sure that white slavery is the answer to...

    Oh. Right!

  13. Why is prison unsuitable for women?

  14. Lawyers often know the difference between right and wrong. It's their job, isn't it?

    Like it's their job to earn money defending the indefensible.

    Comment form a former QC I knew: "He was as guilty as hell but I nearly got him off."

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