Saturday 4 June 2011

Signs Of The Apocalypse…

A primary school has been condemned by parents for disciplining two seven-year-old boys after teachers ruled playing army games amounted to "threatening behaviour".
Were they in full uniform? With some of those realistic replica guns?

Not exactly…
Staff at Nathaniel Newton Infant School in Nuneaton, Warwickshire, reprimanded the two boys after they were seen making pistol shapes with their fingers.

The school is unrepentant:
Defending its policy, a spokesman for Nathaniel Newton Infant School said: “Far from stopping children from playing we actively encourage it.

“However a judgement call has to be made if playing turns into unacceptable behaviour.

"The issue here was about hand gestures being made in the shape of a gun towards members of staff which is understandably unacceptable, particularly in the classroom."
What do you propose, chopping their hands off?
A father of one of the boys who was disciplined said: "It’s ridiculous. How can you tell a seven-year-old boy he cannot play guns and armies with his friends.

"Another parent was called for the same reason. We were told to reprimand our son for this and to tell him he cannot play 'guns' anymore.
Well, here’s another lesson you can teach your son, instead: ‘Some adults anr idiots and when you come across this sort of adult, it’s best to ignore them’…

Mind you, this pales into insignificance when considering the ‘baggy clothes deter paedophiles’ story:
The letter said: ‘We believe an appropriate school uniform protects children from being targeted by sexual predators. A modest school uniform is more appropriate than fashion skirts, trousers or tops.’
Although police said there have been no incidents of perverts targeting children in the area, pupils who fail to conform to the new dress code could be forced to miss school trips.
Isn’t it about time people started reminding these hysterical ninnies that they are supposed to be the adults?


  1. Isn't it about time someone reminded these hysterical ninnies that they are supposed to be teachers and their business is educating kids in the three Rs, not turning them into compliant socialist drones frightened of their own shadows?

  2. Captain Haddock4 June 2011 at 11:27

    It's a bloody good job they never caught me, or any of my mates then ..

    Running around wearing my Dad's old steel helmet & gas mask plus odd bits of '38 pattern webbing, which after WWII demob, he was obliged to hang onto as part of his Reserve committment ..

    And one of my childhood mates (Kenny "W") was occassionally able to show us a Luger pistol, which his Dad had brought back from the Italian campaign (no Ammo though) ..

    This bunch of wusses would probably have had multiple kittens ..

  3. "Isn't it about time someone reminded these hysterical ninnies that they are supposed to be teachers..."

    Oh, they long forgot they were ever supposed to be that!

    "This bunch of wusses would probably have had multiple kittens .."

    You'd all be in care!

  4. Re 'school uniform' - I've never been sure whether letting little girls dress 'older' - more mature- is more (or less?) likely to inflame the passions of perverts who lust after the innocent appearance of the very young?

  5. How about education vouchers? Parents could choose which school to expend their voucher at. Power returned to the people away from the wierdo groups that control so many institutions.

  6. At prep school our playtime consisted almost entirely of building 'camps' (i.e. fortified dugouts) in the school grounds and conducting raids on each other. We were a right bunch of little savages. Did it do us any harm? No, of course not.

    Although I do have three convictions for GBH, one for armed robbery and one for attempted murder*.

    * I don't actually: that was a joke.

  7. When I was at junior school, the head banned 'British Bulldog' because too many of use were getting injured. Playing toy guns never hurt anyone and detect a text book liberal/left agenda at work here.....

  8. "...more (or less?) likely to inflame the passions of perverts..."

    Who knows? I'm not sure even the 'experts' really know how their minds work...

    "How about education vouchers? "

    I'm really, really in favour of them!

    "Did it do us any harm? No, of course not."

    Indeed. As Blueknight points out, there's a sinister agenda at work here.

  9. I'm guessing playing Cowboys and Indians (sorry, native Americans) is definite no-no too then?

    It's a fair cop, come and arrest me for my crimes of 45 years ago.

  10. All that's missing here from a classic Liberal set-piece is collective punishment. If only the school had cancelled the whole school trip it would have been perfect.

    Funny how progressives roll their eyes at people not wantind paedophiles living next door but are happy to pull the pervert from a hat when it suits them.

  11. Anonymous: Cowboys and Indians? These days that means bum sex on a camping trip and running a tax-free gambling concession behind the bike sheds. Do try to keep up, man.
