Wednesday 13 July 2011

Another Can, Another Road…

Police have been called almost daily to the home of Kirsty Bloomfield, in Maidenburgh Street, since late last year, to reports of screaming, shouting and a friend of the 18-year-old urinating on a neighbour’s doorstep.
She forced one neighbour out of her own home:
Siobhan Duke, 36, decided to move elsewhere in Colchester last month after living next to Miss Bloomfield became too much to bear.

Speaking of her nine-month hell, she said: “I lived there about three years and never had a problem.

“She moved in in October and I just thought she was a struggling young mum with two kids.

“I have a five-year-old autistic son and two teenage daughters. We could hear her having sex every night.

“They would see us in the kitchen and shout abuse at us, which would really upset my daughters. It was bothering my son at school, too.

“It has been a nightmare – I wouldn’t want anyone else to go through this.”
Unfortunately, Ms Duke, they will. Because these problems never get resolved, they simply get moved on.

See what I mean?
The residents spoke out after District Judge Simon Mitchell agreed to grant a seven-day possession order on the terraced house in the town’s Dutch Quarter.

After seven days, bailiffs will be called and Miss Bloomfield looks set to be evicted from the Colchester Council-owned property.
As a mother (even if in name only) of young children, she’ll have to be housed somewhere.

And at taxpayer expense, even if those taxpayers are saving on one part of the budget, at least.
Miss Bloomfield also owes more than £1,000 in rent after she stopped paying it in April when her benefit stopped, the court heard.

She did not attend the hearing and was not represented in court. She was also unavailable to speak to the Gazette.

As well as paying back the rent, she has been ordered to pay £300 costs.
Anyone think the taxpayer will ever see that money?

Nope, me neither…


  1. This is quite alarming. Upon reading the report, I really felt scared because I also have kids and I don't want their safety to be put in limbo.

  2. "We could hear her having sex every night."

    OH NOES! You m-m-m-m-ean your delicate little flowers, your unsullied daughters, had to hear the sounds of someone *gasp* *shock* *Horror* having sex??!

    Have you actually listened to what's on your kids i-pods?

    Its no wonder you couldn't get on with your neighbours. I'd have probably pissed on your doorstep/flower beds/cat too.

  3. If there were a God, she'd be rehoused next to the Basket Case.

    Alas there isn't and she won't.

  4. Rehousing adjacent to an upright citizen should be tried. She would then be exposed to daily examples of a well-honed moral code and modest conduct.

    And who better than the altruist politician or senior policeman who takes part in a select committee investigation; willing to bare all and let the heavens fall, purely for the common good.

  5. "If there were a God, she'd be rehoused next to the Basket Case."

    Well seeing as i am at times The Neighbour From Hell it probably wouldn't bother me if they did move her into next to us. She wouldn't be the worst neighbour we've ever had...that award goes to the 14 year old crack whore (although to fair she was ok it was her 'johns' and dealers who were the problem).

    Don't get me wrong, i'm not unsympathetic to the plight of those genuinely 'terrorised by their neighbours' but when the issue at the top of page is that she is a 'howler' then you do have to wonder about the 'victims'.

  6. Neighbours from hell (and I'm not necessarily commenting just about this case) can make decent people's lives hell. Well, here's a possible solution, worth considering.
    The police have power, in certain cases, to offer naughty motorists an "awareness" course in lieu of part of their legal penalty. Could not bad neighbours, in lieu of an ASBO or fine, be offered a course in neighbourliness and good citizenship? I'm thinking of a compulsory residential course, lasting 3 or 4 years. I'm sure their neighbours in the residential establishment could help to lick them into shape.

  7. The issue at the top of the page isn't that she's a vocal vertical jogger, that's merely one salacious detail which you leapt on like a dropped fiver.

    "She wouldn't be the worst neighbour we've ever had..."
    Goodness me, I've just moved from atheist to agnostic.

  8. Anon: refers to "vocal vertical jogger" doesn't he or she mean "horizontal.

    Anyways, I wouldn't go as far as PT, but seeing as only one or two per cent of council tenants are actually a nuisance, why don't they just build a nice estate in the middle of nowhere, round up all the bad 'uns and put them there? The quality of life on yer average council estate would improve about 100% if they did this.

    Call it open prison if you like - people would be free to leave if they could persuade somebody to give them a job and rent them a home.

    Anyway, this is all distracting me from what I intended to ask which was something like "Are they kicking the can down the road or into the long grass?"

  9. "Goodness me, I've just moved from atheist to agnostic."-Anon

    (FFS choose a nick, makes it easier on the rest of us)

    We used to live there, when the kids were wery small, on the top floor. The flat next door belonged the the Youth Services Dept, who placed young 'troubled' teenagers/teenage moms who'd been in care there to get used to living on their own...independance training...

    So the likes of Miss Kirsty Bloomfield hold few terrors.

  10. SBC, Having lived in close proximity to "Squealers", I can assure you it isn't "My delicate little flowers".

    My first "Experience" of this was when I lived in a flat beneath a squealer. It's all well and good listening to her meow and climb the curtains at 2am, but not when I'm up at 5am for work. This stopped after a rather vigorous bout, when I started Whistling, clapping and cheering, shouting "Encore encore".

    After that, she couldn't look me in the eye and turned a bright shade of scarlet every time she saw me.

  11. @ Budvar

    *SNORK* *LOL*

    Nice one! Wish I thought of that one instead of having to had to ask her pimp if he wouldn't mind asking her...

  12. Not only that, I don't know about you, but I find a woman shrieking at the top of her lungs "God oh god, you're hung like a horse and have balls like an elephant" when I'm on the job, mildly off putting..

  13. "She did not attend the hearing"

    Then why in God's name did the judge (or whoever) not issue a warrant for her arrest, and adjourn the hearing until she did attend - in handcuffs if necessary.

    Why are we so soft on these wasters?

  14. I've found the best way to deal with these sort of people is to punch them in face.

  15. Miss Bloomfield looks set to be evicted from the Colchester Council-owned property. As a mother (even if in name only) of young children, she’ll have to be housed somewhere.

    That is the problem, there's no shaming what can't be shamed. She will be a constant nuisance wherever she is. She won't pay any fines and her status as a 'mother' means that she will never be imprisoned.

  16. "And who better than the altruist politician or senior policeman..."


    "Could not bad neighbours, in lieu of an ASBO or fine, be offered a course in neighbourliness and good citizenship? I'm thinking of a compulsory residential course, lasting 3 or 4 years."

    If only we had the prison space available. God forbid we build more of them, though...

    "After that, she couldn't look me in the eye and turned a bright shade of scarlet every time she saw me."

    You were lucky to find one with a sense of shame, methinks!

    "Then why in God's name did the judge (or whoever) not issue a warrant for her arrest, and adjourn the hearing until she did attend - in handcuffs if necessary.

    Why are we so soft on these wasters?"

    We're not. We seem to be softy on EVERYBODY who doesn't co-operate these days.

    And too harsh on those who do. All to make things easier for those running our justice system.
