Tuesday 12 July 2011

Do You Want To Take A Minute To Think About That, Mr Beale?

Because it's a top contender for 'Daftest thing ever said by the prosecution':
Mr Beale said of the fact the defendant’s daughter was under the same roof as a convicted sex offender: ‘The authorities were not concerned that there was a risk because they left her there.’
I'm guessing Mr Beale has never heard of Haringey Council? Baby P? Victoria Climbié?

Mind you, the case is bizarre on all levels:
District Judge Mark Layton described the case as ‘hugely difficult’ but said the charges against the father had been proved. He must pay £775 costs and a £15 victim surcharge...
You see, the convicted child molester is the victim here.


  1. The mother in this case should have her children removed and she should be imprisoned for endangering them.

    What sort of mother starts an affair with a convicted multiple kiddy raper??!

    That's what boggles my mind about this case.

  2. l know of many fathers who would've gone further ... myself included. l don't give a damn about the law when it comes to my daughters safety ... as certain people have found out.

  3. I would say "incredibly cynical" rather than daft. The council clearly don't give a fuck.

    What he should have done was lured him into lighting up in front of the kid, thus bringing down the full wrath of the Law.

  4. "What sort of mother starts an affair with a convicted multiple kiddy raper??!"

    I think we all know, don't we?

    "l know of many fathers who would've gone further ... myself included. "

    And who could blame them, when the law protects the evildoer?

    "What he should have done was lured him into lighting up in front of the kid, thus bringing down the full wrath of the Law."

