Tuesday 5 July 2011

The End Of the Line

The eviction of the Dale Farm traveller site is set to go ahead after the final piece of funding was put in place. About 20 protesters staged a demo outside the Basildon Centre ahead of a vote to finalise funding for the eviction of travellers from Dale Farm in Crays Hill.
Only 20 protestors? What happened to the army of campaigners the Dale Farm mob promised they could provide?

Are they just keeping their powder dry? Or have all the up-for-a-ruck rabble decided to take a Greek holiday instead?
The travellers and campaigners were joined by south Essex MEP Richard Howitt.

Mr Howitt said: "I am deeply anxious to have stood up against the forced eviction of Roma communities in France and Italy, and want to be certain for myself that the law is being respected on all sides here in my own constituency."
Actually, the fact that ‘the law isn’t being respected’ has already been established, as it’s the reason for the eviction in the first place…
Councillor Allan Davies has called for the vote to be suspended so alternative sites can be considered.

The Labour member said: "The possibilty of alternative sites on Homes and Communities Agency land has not been explored. We need to suspend this decision until these options have been completely exhausted."

But the protests fell on deaf ears as But 27 Tory councillors carried the vote opposed by 12 Labour and Lib Dems.
At last, the long nightmare may be over for the law-abiding neighbours of the Dale Farm illegal camp…


  1. I hope the locals are keeping a list of the officials, MPs and MEPs working against their wishes. They'll need it for forthcoming elections.

  2. The male gypsy moth can smell the female gypsy moth from a distance of 7 miles.

    The mystery of gypsy flight was solved when it was realised the truism stood with the word "moth" removed.

  3. Clearly this should have been done long ago - so one wonders why anyone would still be proposing looking for an alternative site. I suspect, if this hasn't been done there is legal trouble ahead.
    We can't go on with racism being used over and over when the truth is criminality.

  4. Captain Haddock5 July 2011 at 18:27

    It will be interesting to see how this pans out ..

    Given inflammatory statements like "You thought Belfast was bad .. you 'aint seen nothing yet" ..

    It can only go one of two ways .. A complete bloodbath or a total non-event ..

    But whichever way it goes, I suspect the Pikeys will come second ..

  5. @Richard Howitt

    Your argument sucks mate. Because these people aren't Roma. They're cackers and if you can't even see that you need sacking today.

  6. 'Mr Howitt said: "I am deeply anxious to have stood up against the forced eviction of Roma communities in France and Italy...'

    Yes, mate, we're all deeply anxious about it too. You prat.

  7. Captain Haddock5 July 2011 at 21:08

    Roma ?

    Which of the 4 Provinces or 32 Counties would that one be then ?

    Anyway, I always thought that "Roma" was the name which anyone born & living in the Italian capital gave to their home city ..

  8. Arrivederci Roma.

  9. "It can only go one of two ways .. A complete bloodbath or a total non-event .."

    I'm pinning my hopes on the second.

    "Roma ?

    Which of the 4 Provinces or 32 Counties would that one be then ?"


  10. Captain Haddock6 July 2011 at 11:34

    "It can only go one of two ways .. A complete bloodbath or a total non-event .."

    "I'm pinning my hopes on the second" ...

    You are a spoilsport Julia .. I'm looking forward to seeing just how well Pikey blood & cheap Tarmac mix .. ;)

  11. Can't see how it can cost millions. Just get the army in

  12. Surely some people commenting on here should be prosecuted for inciting racial hatred? How can this be allowed ?
