Sunday 24 July 2011

Good Luck Drowning Them In The Bath, Mr Ellis…

A man has been banned from keeping animals after drowning his guinea pigs in the bath.
All animals?

Well, no:
David Ellis held the animals under water because he no longer wanted them.

Ellis, 57, from Millfield Court, Courtwick Lane, near Littlehampton, appeared at Worthing Magistrates’ Court yesterday and was banned for life from keeping any pets except for goldfish, which he was deemed not to be a risk to.


  1. Brilliant. Like the Alan Partridge scene where he discusses how you would go about hanging a bird.

  2. It makes you wonder...well, no it doesn't does it? Which is the problem. How can anyone, let alone magistrates etc, be so effing thick.

  3. Could be the magistrates have a bit of a sense of humour, rather than just being dumb. (Is Bystander lurking here?)

  4. How about a pet piranha ?

  5. "Like the Alan Partridge scene where he discusses how you would go about hanging a bird."


    "How can anyone, let alone magistrates etc, be so effing thick."

    I suspect the answer is 'years of practice'..

    "Could be the magistrates have a bit of a sense of humour, rather than just being dumb."

    I very much doubt it!
