Saturday 2 July 2011

I Hope The Reporter ‘Made His Excuses And Left’…

An NHS nurse is offering backstreet ‘genital enhancement’ using a sealant gun loaded with silicone, it was revealed today.
When challenged, Mr Castle was brazen about the risks to men procuring his services.

‘It’s not rocket science. The scrotum is very easy and it’s just a case of hitting the best place,’ he said.

‘There’s no law that says you can’t do it,’ he told the Sun. ‘It’s medical grade silicone.’
Oh. Well. OK then….


  1. Captain Haddock2 July 2011 at 10:42

    A fool and his money (and probably his bollocks) are soon parted ..

  2. Whilst medical grade silicone *might* be safe, there is obviously no certainty that is what he is using and there have been a number of deaths as a result of the use of liquid silicone which has been banned from medical use.

  3. Anyone who wakes up on a morning and thinks to themselves "Hmm, you know what, Paying a complete stranger to fill my ball sack with bathroom sealant using the caulk gun, is a really great idea", deserves everything they get!!

  4. Exactly, Budvar. Something satisfyingly Darwinian about it, isn't there!

  5. What Budvar says. Mindbogglingly stupid and the 'victims' deserve everything they get.

  6. That really is disgusting. He should get the sack every day.

  7. The problem page never admits how big is too small, Julia? but one answer is to find a women with small hands. The optical illusion will please the man at least

  8. "Exactly, Budvar. Something satisfyingly Darwinian about it, isn't there!"

    I have to admit, that's very, very true..

    "That really is disgusting. He should get the sack every day."


    "The optical illusion will please the man at least"


  9. There is no such thing as 'medical grade' liquid silicone, it's an industrial product.

    Sealed, leakproof implants are another matter, but that's not what this story is about...

  10. I still can not understand WHY!!!!

    The mind boggles, also the comment in the article;

    "My partner was incredibly understanding, but it was obviously a hard time for both of us."

    Deserves consideration for comment of the month, I think.
