Sunday 3 July 2011

The Inevitable Result Of Kicking The Can Down The Road…

…that road then has to deal with the can themselves, or kick it to someone else, ad infinitum:
An investigation is to be launched into a family from hell who have made neighbours’ lives a misery since being thrown out of their former Hampshire home for abusive and unruly behaviour.
Amazing! You mean, they didn’t suddenly become productive, law-abiding citizens?

Well, blow me down…
Four members of the family of ten were arrested in the latest incident.
And how came they to be is sunny Southampton?
The family was moved to Southampton by social services in November after they were evicted from their old home in Hedge End following a two-year legal battle.
Let’s hope the poor, long-suffering Southampton neighbours don’t have to wait another year and a half…
Southampton’s housing boss Cllr Peter Baillie said last night he would be discussing the family’s case with officers.

He said: “It’s disgraceful that neighbours should have to put up with such levels of antisocial behaviour.

“Antisocial behaviour is a real scourge in some areas of Southampton and I’m determined to root it out.

“It’s just unacceptable, and following the latest problems we will need to be looking at whether this really is the best location for their accommodation.”
Rather than trying to find a more ‘suitable’ location to house these animals (where? Gruinard?) how about cracking down hard on their foul behaviour until they start to get the message through their thick skulls that actions have consequences?

Even a dumb animal can learn not to crap on its own doorstep, after all.

But then, the inevitable result of the barmy sentencing and soft justice in this country leads people to say, of cases like these, that better the heroin wins soon, to give the truly vulnerable a respite:
A woman described by a judge as having more convictions than any female convict that had ever been before him has been sent to prison.
Yet, despite her having totted up 229 convictions, Staffordshire Police have refused to issue a photograph of prolific thief and fraudster Penelope Russell, 42.


Nicola Bell, defending, said: 'Her record is dreadful and far too long. It is not a life she enjoys, it is a life committted to a battle with heroin.'
No doubt as soon as she's out (which will be far, far too soon), she'll be on her way to racking up a 230th conviction...


  1. "(where? Gruinard?)


  2. I'm not so heartless as to have these families living on the streets, that said I do think it's time local authorities rounded up scumbag families and housed them all together in some rundown shithole (let's be fair every town has one) and leave them to get on with it.

  3. There is only one answer to these problems. We need to house the scum away from other people in trailer parks and subject them to curfew.

    I'm sick and tired of laws that affect the rest of us being imposed on us because authorities can't sort them out.

  4. Any intercepted heroin should be mixed with something more immediately deadly and then allowed on its way. It's just shortening the timescale really.

  5. or cameron could extend his self defence laws to allow society to deal with these scum. After the 100th kicking they either have the message or they are too far gone to care.

    We could make it a sport.

  6. Captain Haddock3 July 2011 at 18:34

    "Futility" is the name of the game ..

    There's little or no point in suggesting what should be done with this kind of human detritus .. because we all know that nothing will ever be done ..

    No-one has the balls to get on and do what needs doing ..

    So, the status quo will remain, ordinary decent people will continue to have their lives disrupted & ruined .. the taxpayer will continue to pick-up the bill .. and the politicos will continue to strut & posture ..

    Same old, same old ...

  7. Most will agree with ACO in spite of some humane considerations remaining unqualified in his proposal.

    Placing a requisition on the homes of bankers and MPs for problem families, is all that may be necessary to hasten the day of a political solution.

  8. Captain Haddock3 July 2011 at 20:25

    MTG said ...

    "Most will agree with ACO in spite of some humane considerations remaining unqualified in his proposal" ...

    These creatures, I won't extend them the dignity of being called people, have, by their own behaviour forgone any right to be treated with humanity ..

    That should be reserved for those of us who are capable of living within the framework which we call "The Law" .. made for the benefit & protection of everyone ..

    There is both historic & legal precedent for declaring such pond-life "Outlaws" .. where they may be branded as such, cast out of normal, decent soceity .. where every man's hand is against them & a bounty payable for their apprehension ..

    There is some merit in your suggestion of requisitioning the homes of Politicians & Bankers .. though I would extend the requirement to include the Judiciary, Social Workers & all the other professional excuse-makers ..

  9. Julia, there are times when I realise, Angelina Jolie be damned, you are truly, the ideal woman.

  10. I'm sure there are some uninhabited islands in the Outer Hebrides that could have some caravans delivered that would house such families. The odd food parcel could be dropped in every so often by helicopter.

  11. Ivan,
    There is an island that was used for anthrax testing before WW2 that can not be used as it stays in the soil for many years. I have often thought it would make an ideal prison island. We could dump all the three time losers on there with a bit of timber to make their own shelters and drop food parcels once a month, then just leave them to get on with it.
    Instead of all the cost of our prison service we could have the navy patrol around the island just to make sure anyone who tries to swim for it either gets turned around or is food for the sharks that would be encouraged to frequent the area by the navy feeding them with slops overboard.
    Problem solved I think.
    Oh, and no parole, no time off for being a good boy, no sentence reduced for pleading hard done by or "it was the drugs wot did it m'lord". Put on the island for life regardless of how short the life is.

  12. "...I do think it's time local authorities rounded up scumbag families and housed them all together in some rundown shithole (let's be fair every town has one) and leave them to get on with it."

    I think it was the Dutch who housed them all together in converted metal shipping containers as an experiment. Perhaps we should try that?

    "I'm sick and tired of laws that affect the rest of us being imposed on us because authorities can't sort them out."

    Amen! Sadly, I suspect Capt Haddock is right.

    "...Angelina Jolie be damned, you are truly, the ideal woman."

    Angie's taller.... ;)

    There is an island that was used for anthrax testing before WW2..."

    Great minds, nightlurker.... That's Gruinard. :)

  13. Haddock's historic notions make a lot of sense on this problem. I would not even allow them the accolade 'outlaw'. However, many other issues need to be addressed on how our politics leave us so exposed. If these scum cause problems, what of the likes of 'Sir' Fred Goodwin?

  14. I've yet to see criminal that can outsmart Bullet.
