Thursday 7 July 2011

”Is no rat, is Siberian filigree hamster…”

Well, as I said back in March:

“That’s going to be an interesting trial…”
Actually, it was rather less than interesting.

In fact, it was infuriating:

Rowland had pleaded guilty to two charges of possession of fighting dogs at a previous hearing.

Blackburn magistrates’ court accepted he did not know they were a banned breed and gave him a 12-month jail term, suspended for a year.
Clearly, you don’t have to be a gullible moron to be a magistrate.

But it must help

They also imposed a four-week curfew and ordered him to pay £85 costs.
Well, that’ll go far, won’t it?

The next day, 60 officers, including an armed team in riot gear, the RSPCA and a lion expert from a zoo were called to Rowland’s home in Baxenden, Lancashire.
Perhaps next time, knowing that they are only going to get £85 back (assuming he even pays it!), they’ll reconsider whether they actually need all that to handle two vicious dogs contained in a house, or whether one man with a shotgun could have done a better, quicker job.

Or send the owner in to resolve the problem himself. With a steak tied round his neck…


  1. "send the owner in to resolve the problem himself. With a steak tied round his neck…" it.
    I'm curious as to when "ignorance of the law" became acceptable excuse for breaking it ?

  2. What is wrong with dog licences? You would assume that with RFID chips and DNA and that kind of thing it would be easy.

  3. @Tattyfalarr

    It becomes an acceptable excuse as soon as you don a police officer's uniform.

    Just ask any photographer detained in London!

  4. "The next day, 60 officers, including an armed team in riot gear, the RSPCA and a lion expert from a zoo"

    Uhm what fucking breed were the dogs then? Ban-dogs on crack?

    ...On reflection I think the 999 Operator might have misunderstood the phrase 'two dangerous afghans', don't you??!

  5. Nuke it from or....hang on, surely there must be a useful role for this crew in mine clearance or something?

  6. Captain Haddock7 July 2011 at 18:07

    "Mark Rowland’s dogs – Coko and Dekker – attacked his best friend .. while he attended his father’s wedding" ...

    Reminds me of the old throw-away insult of .. " 'ere, sing us that song, you sang at yer mother's wedding" ..

    Tells you all you need to know ..

    Surely the Vet could have sprung for three darts & three lethal injections .. and done the world in general a huge service ?

  7. an armed team in riot gear, the RSPCA and a lion expert

    Love it.

  8. Captain Haddock7 July 2011 at 22:28

    " ... and a lion expert"

    Hmm .. I couldn't quite work out the relevance of that either .. What with Lions being cats an' all ..

    If it was suspected that the dogs might revert to the pack instinct & work in concert .. Surely a Wolf expert would have been more in keeping ?

  9. Baxenden? Hope they never made any impact on Holland's!

  10. "I'm curious as to when "ignorance of the law" became acceptable excuse for breaking it ?"

    Me too...

    "What is wrong with dog licences?"

    The sort of people who keep illegal dogs won't bother to get them, and they'd therefore be more trouble than they're worth.

    "..On reflection I think the 999 Operator might have misunderstood the phrase 'two dangerous afghans', don't you??!"


    "Hmm .. I couldn't quite work out the relevance of that either .. What with Lions being cats an' all .."

    I guess they figured two domesticated dogs were equal to the ferocity of one captive lion, by some arcane process...
