Wednesday 27 July 2011

Just Who Is Running This Centre..?

Clive Simpson, manager of planning services, said: “The drug and alcohol rehabilitation centre opened in June, but without formal planning permission.

“The operators originally thought they did not require planning permission.”
Really? Why? They aren’t from Dale Farm, are they?
“The council has not pursued enforcement action as this temporary breach of regulations does not warrant immediate action.

“However, this may be reviewed following the determination of the planning application.”
Yes, they’ve put in a retrospective planning application, which has angered the local residents, who don’t believe a suburban street is the best place for such an establishment.

They’ve got up a petition, and engaged the services of their local councillor, though his mealy-mouthed statement rather seems to indicate he’s twisting himself in knots to try to stay on the fence:
Labour ward councillor Daniel Munyambu is helping the residents and will be handing in their petition at the planning meeting when the application is decided.

He said: “If my residents come to me for help on a matter that concerns them, it is my duty to do all that I can to investigate that matter.”
Wow, don’t strain yourself, Daniel…


  1. "about needles being discarded with so many children in the area. "

    Cos you have a major drug problem among the under-5's? Are all your primary schools Opium Dens?

    Seriously, does sound horribly 'think of the cheeEeldren'. Bunch of NIMBYs worried about their house prices.

  2. so turn it back into a private residence where people are invited to deal with their issues and then tell the nieghbours and the council TO FACK OFF!

  3. there's no rules or regulations about storing needles or collecting dirty one's, handing out vit c or inviting junkies into your home.

  4. opinions are like assholes, everyone has at least one. if I wanted to spend my life giving good advice to junkies, have most of it thrown back in my face then I'd probably be working as a nurse for which I have several qualifications.

  5. Why do I get the idea that if someone opened an business generating exactly the same amount of coming and going in a residential area as this centre does, and 'forgot' to apply for planning permission, that the council would be down on them like a tonne of bricks?

  6. "Bunch of NIMBYs worried about their house prices."

    It's their home - they don't think it's a suitable place. I agree with them.

    "Why do I get the idea that if someone opened an business generating exactly the same amount of coming and going in a residential area as this centre does, and 'forgot' to apply for planning permission, that the council would be down on them like a tonne of bricks?"

    Good point!
