Saturday 23 July 2011


Well, it's looking like the perp is a home-grown, 'right wing' nutcase, and the palpable sighs of relief at the 'Guardian' and 'Independent' are audible.

Yesterday evening, on Twitter, those who heard hoofbeats and thought 'Oh, oh! Horses!' were reminded that occasionally, there are zebras in the mix too.

As Dumbjon points out, suddenly the colour of the hair of the initial suspect seemed to be the most important thing of all. And at 'Harry's Place', suddenly, as first commenter 'DocMartyn' points out, there's no rush to ' understand the root cause' of the bomber, or demand that it's the fault of the West for not listening to his grievances and acting on them, or changing our culture.

Which is right. Of course, you cannot give in to terrorism.

So, why, when the terrorism comes from other sources, are we treated to the unedifying sight of so many people falling all over themselves to do so?

Because - as we now see - that very attitude seems to be breeding its own brand of crazy...


  1. Because the political world is run by nut jobs

  2. Strange that the BBC's "deadliest gun attacks" side-bar misses out the Mumbai attacks. I guess lack of space was the cause.

  3. Must be a new world record for getting the suspected perp's picture out there?

    And I suppose the difference is he's unlikely to be viewed as a hero by anyone. Whereas...

  4. Twenty_Rothmans23 July 2011 at 09:32

    Breaking news:

    There are arseholes in the world.

    Film at 11.

    Phew. Thank Christ he wasn't one of 'them'. So we can now look at his links to Churchill, the Freemasons, and anyone else we don't like.

    Was he a smoker?

  5. Purely out of respect for the Norwegian victims, I do hope UK police blogs will have the good taste to postpone renewed pouting for routine arming.

    I mean, how callous would that be in the face of tragedy? Oh, wait..

  6. I would like to express my deep sympathy with all those who are going into contortions over the news of the political leanings of the Oslo gunman.

    You have my sincere condolences in this difficult hour.

  7. The Norwegians don't do terrorists, but IF they did they'd be the best terrorists in the world.

    (and *yes* I know Carlsberg is Danish)

  8. AP, Is it not more correct to call him 'a perp' rather than 'the perp'?

    I see that the feds have charged him over both attacks, but I haven't seen any discussion or evidence stating that he was involved with the bombing.
    When I first heard of the shooting, I thought they might be related, or that the shooting may well be a retaliation to the bombing.
    If anyone has seen any clear statements confirming his involvement with the bombing, please post in a comment,ta.

  9. of the various descriptions of the man arrested a few seem to be repeated, christian, nazi and blonde with blue eyes. the nazi one aparently voiced by a child aimed at by the gunman but who survived saying 'he looked like a nazi, i could smell his boots and feel the heat from his gun', i suposse it was because he wore a police uniform?

  10. Flaming Patriot23 July 2011 at 11:30

    We can all breathe a sigh of relief. One white guy got pushed too far by relentless leftist politics and snapped. That means it's now perfectly safe to let the muslims aggressively colonise England and kidnap our kids, right?!

    84 people murdered is a tragedy, but how many people have been murdered by leftist policies that left our countries wide-open to the turd world paedo-worshippers?

  11. No prizes for guessing which of these two horrors the mainstream media are going to give most attention to.

  12. The two attacks are linked. Police are not ruling out the possibility of other's involvement, but the guy arrested is involved in both. He was shot in the leg and arrested on Utøya, a small holiday camp style island, a few kilometres from Oslo.

    In the last two years, he has purchased over 6 tonnes of fertilizer (easily converted in to explosives) and has been making more and more strident noises about the Norwegian equivalent of the Labour Party, whose offices he destroyed and whose youth-wing he shot.

    I am sickened at the loss of life, and my heart goes out to those affected.

    The ironic thing is, in two hours of madness, he has almost certainly prevented any hope of a restriction on immigration being implemented, because that 'would be what HE wanted', wouldn't it?

  13. 'but how many people have been murdered by leftist policies' guns don't kill people, people kill people

  14. @ flaming potato 'One white guy got pushed too far' no one white guy was insane enough to murder many innocent children for what?

  15. OK OK, they may have not been entierly innocent or children, perhaps there is a good reason, explain it to me please.......

  16. An Open Email To The Norwegians

    The quote "The object of terrorism is to terrorize" is variously ascribed to Mao or Lenin or Mickey Collins but whoever said it was right.

    Refused to be terrorised and you have already beaten the terrorists.

    Don't let your government now brainwash you into being ours have done. The way to defeat terrorism is to INCREASE civil liberties, protect Free Speech and democracy not decrease them.

    Demanding DNA tests before allowing people a library card only fans the flames of hysteria (see whatever passes as The Daily Mail in your country).

    Enshrine the right to bear arms in your Constitution and teach your sons to shoot.

    Don't let your politicians, in a fit of being seen 'To Do Something' pass Anti-Terror Laws which only enslave you the citizen.

    Remember there is no way you can stop bomb outrages from happening when the primary explosive of all bombs, namely oxygen, is all around us and any nut with an internet connection can produce a WMD in his kitchen sink. Watch the videos of what simple household flour can do if you don't believe me.

    Above all learn from the mistakes of others and that the sentence 'those who have nothing to hide have nothing to fear' is possibly the most evil since 'Arbeit Macht Frei'

  17. MTG couldn't resist a dig about the police even on a subject like this one.Shameful.

  18. Flaming Patriot23 July 2011 at 19:29

    That he murdered innocent children is inexcusable and I didn't mean to minimise that. But everybody has a reason for their actions, sometimes understandable, however wicked those actions are.

    When you watch your country falling apart around you as the left invites in all and sundry, it's enough to make you angry. You wake up one morning and realise it's not your country any more, and soon you'll be a minority in your own home, living under sharia law. Islams is bad for a country, period.

    Sane and decent people like (hopefully!) those on this blog know how to control their anger and be constructive and moral with it. This man didn't.

  19. I don't know what the Gun Control Laws are like in Norway but already the jerk off journalists in the MSM are trying to infer 1.Norway needs to ban all private ownership and 2. that there M U S T be a link to our own home grown xenophobic daily mail spouting nutjobs- the EDL.

    Listening to whatever stupid woman fronting up today's Today Program on Radio was enough to make anyone who still cares about liberty very angry.

    Every question she put was 'shaded' to 'infer' or 'suggest', especially when the previous answer didn't fit in the Gaurdianista View Of The World.

  20. "Because the political world is run by nut jobs"

    It does seem to be, doesn't it?

    "Strange that the BBC's "deadliest gun attacks" side-bar misses out the Mumbai attacks."

    Good old unbiased Beeb...

    "And I suppose the difference is he's unlikely to be viewed as a hero by anyone. Whereas..."

    Spot on! No-one in the UK will be cheering and handing out sweets, that's for sure.

    "The Norwegians don't do terrorists, but IF they did.."


  21. "I see that the feds have charged him over both attacks, but I haven't seen any discussion or evidence stating that he was involved with the bombing."

    It seems that he fits the description of a suspect seen at the bombing site. As for the charging, I'm surprised at the speed of it, even if he confessed!

    "No prizes for guessing which of these two horrors the mainstream media are going to give most attention to."

    Well, yesterday evening, it seemed Any Winehouse was in the lead!

    "The ironic thing is, in two hours of madness, he has almost certainly prevented any hope of a restriction on immigration being implemented, because that 'would be what HE wanted', wouldn't it?"

    Now there's a horrible thought!

    "Above all learn from the mistakes of others and that the sentence 'those who have nothing to hide have nothing to fear' is possibly the most evil since 'Arbeit Macht Frei'"

