Saturday 23 July 2011

Our Gene Pool Needs More Chlorine. Again…

A 12-year-old boy was arrested after he headbutted his girlfriend and burned her with a cigarette.
Yes, you might want to read that again…
Police said the youth and his girlfriend of the same age were arguing in Nancy Street, Darwen, when things turned aggressive.

The row was over her allegedly flirting with the boy’s brother.

He picked up a hammer and threatened her, before putting it down and headbutting her to the floor.

He then burned her with a cigarette, police said.

She called the police after the incident at 1.30am on July 15.
Dear god! Still, at least the little animal is now in whatever equivalent of Borstal we have in the…

The boy was arrested on suspicion of assault and given a final warning.


  1. It must be said that the gene pool does seem to be particularly stagnant in the vicinity of Blackburn and Darwen...

  2. And what might I ask of the parents allowing 12 year olds to be out at that time of night - or were they out as well?

    As for Borstal I think they might have a holiday camp for the little dears.

  3. I'm about as violently Pro Life as it gets but sometimes I *do* wonder if some people should really NOT be allowed to breed under any circumstances.

  4. Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a winner:

    thresholdweller, Clitheroe says...
    4:35pm Wed 20 Jul 11

    His 19 year old dad says that he is a really nice lad when he hasn't had a drink.

    His girlfriend's 16 year old mother says that her daughter is an ambitious girl who wants to win X- Factor and marry a Premier League footballer.

    Their pet pit-bull says that although he often finds their behaviour embarrassing, he is getting used to it.


  5. Reminds me of the gag about the Australian Football League's reputedly most feral fans:

    You know you're a Collingwood supporter when you let your twelve year old daughter smoke at the dinner table... in front of her kids.

  6. AE, that's actually a Norfolk Joke (aka truism). How to find out that 18 year old girl's name...? Ask her 6 year old daughter.

    Usually followed by the infamous 'What's a Norfolk Virgin?'- a girl who can run faster than her dad.

  7. Twenty_Rothmans23 July 2011 at 15:51

    Angry Exile
    Her father crushes her Winnies when he's making love.

    Those Labor voters are out there, you know. They walk (of a fashion) amongst you.

    The thing that smacks of smug self-satisfaction is that Australia sees itself as a synthetic, somehow cleansed society, when it has ferals to burn. Moreover, they're busy importing more. With the exception, of course, of Mr AE.

    Having a 'conservative' party that's been, since Menzies, as limp as Bob Brown's knob doesn't help.

    And your GDP doesn't reflect the intellectual or trading ability of its inhabitants - it's what you're digging out of the ground. I should know - I'm Australian-born.

    To return to the subject at hand. They and their parents should be placed in a nice labour camp in Burma.

  8. I don't think that is the last we will hear of him.

  9. "It must be said that the gene pool does seem to be particularly stagnant in the vicinity of Blackburn and Darwen..."

    Quite a lot of horror stories do originate there. One to cross off my 'Will move there when I win the lottery' list!

    "And what might I ask of the parents allowing 12 year olds to be out at that time of night - or were they out as well?"

    Out cold on cheap cider, probably...

    "Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a winner.."


    "Reminds me of the gag about the Australian Football League's reputedly most feral fans.."


  10. Her father crushes her Winnies when he's making love.

    Ooooh, T_R. Not going to slowly build up to the DEFCON 0 of Collingwood jokes with ones about 15 kids all called Jarryd or how you should never run over a someone in a Magpies shirt riding a bike in case it's your bike or something cruel about nathan Buckley. Oh, no, you ignore the skirmishes and go straight for the nuclear option with the incest gags. Sick, sick, sick, but I'm still chuckling :-D

    In an attempt to raise the tone, but only very marginally, why do Collingwood supporters stink?

    So blind people can hate them too.
