Wednesday 6 July 2011

So, Colchester Is Full Of Millionaires..?

Colchester has the second highest number of people who don’t work and are not looking for work in the east of England.
Worrying news?

Well, no. Apparently not:
Nick Barlow, councillor responsible for commerce and sustainability on Colchester Council, is not concerned about the figure and instead focused on the fact Colchester has its highest percentage of people in employment since 2004.
And he’s not the only one:
Alf Mullins, who runs Greenstead-based employment support centre, Signpost, said the high rate of economically inactive in Colchester was no bad thing.

He said those not wanting a job were primarily made up of those who could afford not to have one and not claim benefits.

Must pop over to Colchester to buy a lottery ticket then…


  1. "in the east of England."

    ...and even further east of Eden.

    Come on, I mean seriously, Colchester?

    I can think of many reasons to visit the place, the favourite being the same as that of Good Queen Boadicea but to voluntarily choose to live there when you have the money to live elsewhere ???!

    That's like winning the lottery and then choosing to live in Geordie Land (ie anywhere North Of Watford Gap Services).

  2. It would be interesting to have a profile of people on benefits. There is no doubt great variation. The ones I'd like to get rid of are the criminal families who may as well be considered as state sponsored criminals. I suspect these people cause nearly all anti-social crime (we should scrap the term 'behaviour').
    The rest of us are often under-employed in the sense of crap jobs that hardly need doing,bureaucracy beating and child-minding. I don't think we should cane ourselves over this, but we should be looking at it. We seem to have lost the notion of being productive - hardly surprising when wages get cut as productivity leaps (really - the figures are glaring).
    Most of my work is often about beating away the people trying to stop me doing it.
    To deal with the scum we need to get realistic, even if all we can do is get one half creating holes and the other filling them in.

  3. I'm about to get one of my treats of the year - no don't look away! The third NRL State of Origin match is on. This is rugby league at its finest, better than internationals. You don't get that in Colchester! There is a fine military prison though - one we should model much national policy on.

  4. Captain Haddock6 July 2011 at 11:30

    @ ACO ...

    I've only ever visited Colchester once & that was to escort a prisoner to MCTC (which, incidentally, is nowhere near as fearsome a place now, as it once was) ...

    From what I saw of the Town, I was mightily relieved to be returning to the relative civilisation of Portsmouth .. which ought to tell one, all one needs to know about Colchester ..

  5. "I can think of many reasons to visit the place, the favourite being the same as that of Good Queen Boadicea.."


    "The ones I'd like to get rid of are the criminal families who may as well be considered as state sponsored criminals. "

    Spot on! And yes, we've no idea what real productivity is any more...

    "..I was mightily relieved to be returning to the relative civilisation of Portsmouth .. which ought to tell one, all one needs to know about Colchester .."

    Indeed it does!
