Sunday 10 July 2011

This Pretty Much Just Sums Up Essex, Doesn’t It?

Lord Hanningfield will continue to serve as a county councillor from his prison cell, Essex County Council has revealed.
Because the peer has lodged an appeal against his conviction, the authority has deemed he cannot be disqualified from his position as a ward councillor for Stock until that hearing has taken place.


  1. Captain Haddock10 July 2011 at 10:34

    Given the number of villains residing in the County of Essex, it sounds to me as if both the electorate & the convicted criminal richly deserve one another ..

    A case of horses for courses, I'd say ..

  2. More like it sums up politicians...

  3. Sounds good to me.

    I'm appealing my conviction for molesting all those kids at the nursey. I want my job back whilst the appeal goes through.

    It's my right innit.

  4. Ancient+Tattered Airman10 July 2011 at 19:33

    I no longer understand anything. I simply state the fact that I miss this country as it used to be when I was growing up. Common sense was expected of us. Decency and fair play has transformed into something for the rapacious to take advantage of.

  5. Couldn't the other councillors summon him to a meeting and sack him when he doesn't turn up?

  6. "More like it sums up politicians..."

    Very true...

    "I no longer understand anything. I simply state the fact that I miss this country as it used to be when I was growing up."


    "Couldn't the other councillors summon him to a meeting and sack him when he doesn't turn up?"

    I don't think so, no.

  7. Bit of a shame we can't rely on the working class to do something about this.

    It would be terrible if something happened to one of Hanningfield's children in a pub, say.
