Thursday 21 July 2011

Yes, Alan, They Are Nearly As Bad As Politicians….

A council call for police to enforce Oxford’s 20mph speed limits has been rejected.

A senior officer spoke out after Oxford City Council passed a motion urging Thames Valley Police to crack down on speeding drivers.
It seems they have far better things to do.

And they made it plain right from the start:
A 20mph limit was brought in on almost all residential roads and some main routes in September 2009 but police said from the outset they would not be actively enforced.
Which didn’t please the local councillors:
Liberal Democrat Alan Armitage, who put the motion, said: “It doesn’t say much for the police that they don’t give a damn what the people think. ”
And councillors, Mr Armitage? How much do they care what the people think?


  1. A fair appraisal, Julia. Pretty much a dead heat in both the lazy crawl and back stroke events.

    However plod remain peerless in the exasperation hurdles and the graft relay.

  2. “It is a high priority for people in Oxford who are worried about protecting themselves and their children."

    In other words: Why won't you think of the cheeeeldren?

    Sweet Jesus, someone needs a Double-Grande-Mocca-Cranberry-Wheatgrass-Americano-Machiato and a lie down.

  3. Politicians have a long way to descend before touchdown on the police abyss.

    If you can bear it, look at the Gadget chronicles; a cauldron of tastelessness where crude references to bad conduct on the part of others, is ever steaming.

  4. "If there’s anything more tedious and irritating than the religious, it’s the vehemently anti-religious…"

    As a fairly devout Xian myself I have to say I find that comment...


    The only people who can get up nose more than Xians are the antis...who strangely enough tend to be Guardian Readers to a man...oOOOps my bad, I meant of course 'to a person'.

  5. "Double-Grande-Mocca-Cranberry-Wheatgrass-Americano-Machiato and a lie down"

    AKA a Twat-a-chino

  6. Makes you wonder how any of us ever survived without the setting of speed limits.

    Could it be that parents taught their children how to safely cross the road from a very early age ? That teachers emphasised what was learnt at home ? That the state did it's thing with adverts on tv with squirrels who warned of the dangers ? That there were far less drug addicts and alcoholics on the roads ? That there was no such thing as a No Win-No Fee compo lawyer ?
    Once again it comes down to Personal Responsibility. You were taught it, you exercised it and you stayed alive - mostly.

  7. Demanding the police enforce a council idea is merely so the council can feel better about demanding things in the first place.

    I mean, how humiliating it would be if you demanded attention and everyone ignored you.

  8. "Makes you wonder how any of us ever survived without the setting of speed limits. "

    It was called The Tufty Club!

  9. "It was called The Tufty Club"

    Yes, I remember it, I seem to recall having a handkerchief with tufty giving me pointers on crossing the road. I reckon he may have predated the green cross man?

  10. According to Wiki Tufty Fluffytail was created in 1953 to teach road safety to under-5's. I remember actually seeing the ads on tv in the 70's and the green cross man too so I reckon we're all showing our age here ;)

  11. From an early age I couldn't stomach Tufties but I noticed crows liked pecking the squashed variety. You know, the ones who didn't wait for mummy when the ice-cream van came.

  12. "However plod remain peerless in the exasperation hurdles..."


    "AKA a Twat-a-chino"


    "Could it be that parents taught their children how to safely cross the road from a very early age ? "

    Spot on! Today's children seem to lack road sense. A consequence of being pandered to their whole lives?

    "I remember actually seeing the ads on tv in the 70's and the green cross man too so I reckon we're all showing our age here ;)"

    I can remember when the Green Cross Man became Darth Vader! :)
