Friday 26 August 2011

Another Triumph For The Open Prison System!

A member of the notorious Johnson gang jailed for his part in a £23 million series of raids on stately homes across the country has gone on the run.
Did he scale the walls? Tunnel out? Escape in a helicopter landed in the exercise yard?

Errr, no:
Detective Chief Inspector Stuart Murphy, from West Mercia Police, said he had failed to return to HMP Hatfield in Yorkshire after being given a temporary release for a work placement.

He has been away from the prison since July 18.

"O'Loughlin has been missing for more than a month and we need to find him and return him to prison," he said.
Hopefully, not the same prison?


  1. And you didn't see that coming??

  2. As one commenter said, jailed for 11 years, let out on day release after 2.

  3. A pikey on a "work placement?"

    Seriously? That didn't ring any bells anywhere, for anyone?

  4. Out of interest. Does anyone commentating on this speak a foreign language?
    I speak Spanish and when I speak to people in Spanish about open prisons the concept is very hard to translate - they think a prison is not open.

  5. Providing he does not reoffend, what's the problem?

    And as we know, crims leaving prison hardly ever do anything wrong ever again. They are fully rehabilitated and slot seamlessly back into society, right?

  6. I take it as read that Dale Farm and every other pikey site will be getting well turned-over in the hunt for him ?

    No ?

    Didn't think so, somehow ..

  7. I heard that he dun a runner in desperation having heard that Jaqui Smith had sent for him, again.

  8. "I heard that he dun a runner in desperation having heard that Jaqui Smith had sent for him, again" ...

    Don't tell me she needs her clunge re-tarmacing already !

  9. He'll be being driven around by this guy - I believe another member of the extended family.

    It's "lock up sixteen year old Facebook idiots and let all the professional criminals out" week in the courts !

  10. hmmmm, let's see:

    Daniel O'Loughlin...

    At the time they all lived at the Cleeve Prior travellers' site in Evesham

    Where have they looked or is it literally a case of wait and hope he turns up?

  11. The poor, confused chap no doubt only means to save the country money by fending for himself, perhaps by painting a room or two for the Home Secretary? He's probably there now, having painted himself into a corner, waiting for rescue.

  12. "And you didn't see that coming??"

    Apparently not. Glad we pay them those index-linked salaries and pensions, eh?

    "...when I speak to people in Spanish about open prisons the concept is very hard to translate - they think a prison is not open."


    "Providing he does not reoffend, what's the problem?"

    I like prisoners to serve the term they were committed for. After all, it's not like it's hard labour with only bread and water is it?

    "He'll be being driven around by this guy - I believe another member of the extended family. "

    Let's hope so! Surely the police can trace him by his tax and registr...


  13. Anon@4: yes, I speak Spanish, and I too am not sure how to translate 'open prison'. The phrase 'cárcel abierta' has an oxymoronic flavour to it (as well as the just plain moronic one that it has in English). In happier times this gang of thieves would have been rightly stretched by the neck for the destruction of wealth they caused.

    I'm a libertarian. But that means property rights are sacred to me. And that means I want thieving pikeys dead.
