Sunday 7 August 2011

The Many Faces Of Modern Britain

First, we have Michael Reid, who when his young charges called for help (they were being attacked in the night by one of the most deadly of all land-dwelling predators), ran to the tent unarmed and put himself in harm's way without a second thought:

He later, despite serious injuries, grabbed a rifle and killed the animal.

And then there's 16 year old Patrick Flinders, who despite having no room to bring his rifle around, used it as a club and then punched the animal in a vain attempt to save his friend:

Far, far less worthy men will sneer at the group's background, ethos and reason for being there, men who truly must hold their manhoods cheap*.

And then we have those who, in return for what they see an an 'injustice', decide to riot, loot, burn shops in their own neighbourhood and generally act like the savage, unthinking animals the polar bear at least had no option than to be:

Well, while we have people like Michael Reid and Patrick Flinders, we have some hope, at least...

*H/T: Mr Eugenides on Twitter


  1. It is the pebble which assumes a critical path which starts a chain reaction. In this way, we are heartbeats away from revolution with much worse to come.

    That police will be so fearful as to discard uniforms and denounce their own service, is one possible future.

  2. Captain Haddock7 August 2011 at 09:10

    And have a guess which group will (yet again) get all the benefits, aid, hand-outs & sympathy ..

    The sooner someone has the nous to build a Berlin-type Wall, complete with "beaten zones" & attack dogs around the outside of Broadwater Farm, the better ..

    Just leave the occupants to get on with their drug-fuelled feuds & leave the rest of us alone ..

  3. I'm just popping into work to resign Melvin,i'm so fearful that I will attacked by a polar bear when next on duty.
    I'm sure you will be manning the barricades (from behind your keyboard) with long words and clever quotes.

  4. I'm just popping into work to resign Melvin,i'm so fearful that I will attacked by a polar bear when next on duty.
    I'm sure you will be manning the barricades (from behind your keyboard) with long words and clever quotes.

  5. The attack on the likes of my take on the polar bear expedition are not aimed at the young heroes but at their belief their expedition was necessary.

  6. Radio 4, bless, seems more concerned with stressing that using a firearm to kill a ravaging bear was the absolutely LAST resort and really we should all weep for the loss of this magnificent creature.

    There was also some wrinkling of journalistic noses at the fact that the kids had been taught to shoot before going into the wild.

    Oh well at least no one was stupid enough to have a photo taken with their foot on the carcass, with a rifle in one hand and a cigarette in the other.

  7. Well, while we have people like Michael Reid and Patrick Flinders, we have some hope, at least...


    As for Tottenham, been there and done that 30 years ago (and various little outbreaks since then) Thankfully I don't have to go to these utter wastes of police time anymore. Same old tired racial cliche's, whinging and mongering + endless bleatings and claims of entitlement and of course it is all 'our' fault because of slavery.

    They should be rounded up, given long sentences and not a penny of taxpayers money spent on yet another round of regeneration. Broadwater farm should have been cleansed and demolished in 1985!

  8. That is very unfair to the Polar Bear to compare it with that set of oxygen thieves in Tottenham. Polar Bears are quite intelligent.

  9. The decent people are getting rarer and rarer and the scum are getting more and more common.
    Go to any town centre on Friday or Saturday night.

  10. "The decent people are getting rarer and rarer and the scum are getting more and more common."

    Quite correct, Jaded. The decline in police integrity at all levels and the standard of recruitment are indeed hot news topics.

  11. XX (they were being attacked in the night by one of the most deadly of all land-dwelling predators)XX

    Does not sound THAT much more dangerous than the Dog show Rothweiler, or the face peeling Staffy you reported yesterday (?) to me.

    Maybe the RSPCA and Courts should start comparing potentials before allowing animals on the street which, for their size, do nearly as much damage, according to reports, as "one of the most deadly of all land-dwelling predators".

  12. Bravery aside, these people were on an island crawling with very large and dangerous predators. It was deathly cold (with members of the group having been evacuated because of frostbite) and they were in a flimsy tent rather than a substantial building. And all in the name of chasing the bullshit theory of runaway warbal gloming that is rapidly falling apart. Courageous in fighting off the bear. And very, very stupid for putting themselves in harm's way in the first place.

    As for the rioters, it's what yu would expect from scum who believe an armed criminal is really a nice, law abiding bloke who wouldn't harm a fly. And now he's attracting them...

  13. That police will (be so fearful as to) discard uniforms and denounce their own service, is one possible future.

    Take out the words in the brackets and I would be inclined to agree.

  14. 'There was also some wrinkling of journalistic noses at the fact that the kids had been taught to shoot before going into the wild.'

    It's even wilder in Tottenham, SBC, where those kids could have used their new shooting skills to take out a few thugs and looters.

  15. I am so outraged at the death of a brother I must go to a looted shop and help myself to a few pairs of trainers.

  16. Ancient + Tattered Airman7 August 2011 at 19:30

    Oddly enough I haven't heard too many people crowing about the enrichment of this country by its racial diversity. Can't think why. Don't they want us to become a third world failure? Have they given up on inclusiveness?

  17. ‘The Guardian understands that initial ballistics tests on a bullet, found lodged in a police radio worn by an officer during Thursday’s incident, suggested it was police issue – and therefore had not been fired by Duggan.’

    Guardian leads with the first suggestion of an execution scenario.

  18. "It is the pebble which assumes a critical path which starts a chain reaction."

    All it seems to have started so far is some opportunistic looting. It's not quite 'Escape From New York' yet...

    "And have a guess which group will (yet again) get all the benefits, aid, hand-outs & sympathy .."

    There better not be any! They s**t in their own nests - leave 'em to it!

    "The attack on the likes of my take on the polar bear expedition are not aimed at the young heroes but at their belief their expedition was necessary."

    Whatever their belief, they acted bravely and like decent people when push came to shove, in stark contrast to the street scum we've seen tonight.

    Using this tragedy to advance anyone's own personal hobby horse is likely to make us no better than the left.

    "Radio 4, bless, seems more concerned with stressing that using a firearm to kill a ravaging bear was the absolutely LAST resort..."

    What should they have tried, a bucket of water? Yelling 'Shoo!'..?

  19. " Broadwater farm should have been cleansed and demolished in 1985!"

    I'd have skipped the cleansing part.

    "Does not sound THAT much more dangerous than the Dog show Rothweiler, or the face peeling Staffy you reported yesterday (?) to me."

    Good point!

    "Bravery aside, these people were on an island crawling with very large and dangerous predators. "

    And they appear to have been well-prepared. Accidents happen. Sometimes tripwires fail.

    "I am so outraged at the death of a brother I must go to a looted shop and help myself to a few pairs of trainers."


  20. "Guardian leads with the first suggestion of an execution scenario."

    Or 'Guardian leads with the first suggestion of an accident.'

  21. Funny, there were no riots after Jean Charles de Menezes was shot dead.
