Tuesday 30 August 2011

Oh, Good Grief, Another One!

A nurse who sent photographs of herself in her underwear to a prisoner suffering from paranoid schizophrenia has been ordered to be struck off.

I think I need a new tag.
Gemma Tomlinson, who worked at Guild Lodge in Goosnargh, was found guilty of 'very serious' misconduct by a panel of the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) in London.

Tomlinson was found to have sent letters that were personal in nature, and two photographs of herself in her underwear, and also to have given him her personal phone number.

She was working for Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust in January 2009 as a mental health nurse at the secure mental health hospital, which houses dangerous patients from across Lancashire.
Perhaps psychiatric nurses should be psychologically tested before taking up employment?


  1. I'm feeling a bit off-colour today. Where does she work?

    Maybe it's a new official drive to combat the generally take-up of healthcare by men?

  2. No damned good without the pictures, is it ????? ..... ;)

  3. I gallantly fly to Julia's aid with the suggestion that she reach for her most risqué lingerie and camera.

    I further volunteer Haddock as model.

  4. @ MTG ..

    Melvin ..

    I would imagine that life in tough, gritty, manly West Yorkshire is far from easy, for someone with your sexual proclivities ..

  5. @ Captain Haddock

    My dear chap, I merely responded to your desperate need to see the original pictures. Any nerve touched was unintentional and please be assured; my suggestion that you model the underwear in lieu of Julia's svelte figure, was selflessly conceded in order to serve authenticity.

    I do hope you are not offended in any way, old salt.

  6. @ MTG ..

    Not in the least offended ..

    More concerned that your past references to male on male sex .. and your interest in seeing men in lingerie might, in the birthplace of Rugby League, go down rather like a fart in a space suit ..

  7. On Friday nights, all Northern towns play host to more foreign cannibals than decent Rugger players, mon capitaine.

    If you decide to join them, please be cautioned against venturing out in one Basque only to end up in another.

  8. "Maybe it's a new official drive to combat the generally take-up of healthcare by men?"


    "No damned good without the pictures, is it ?"

    None available, which could mean she's a munter, or maybe that she's signed a contract with the super soaraway Sun!

  9. ...which could mean she's a munter, or maybe that she's signed a contract with the super soaraway Sun!

    Don't think that's mutually exclusive anymore.
