Tuesday 23 August 2011

Should Have Taken Up Wildlife Photography…

…the animals who might also bite are at least beautiful:
A man who bit into a photographer's finger and drew blood has received a suspended jail term.
That shouldn’t have come as a surprise to him, mind you:
Bloodworth, 42, was caught on camera after he left Lincoln Magistrates' Court with a six-month conditional discharge for throwing a "cleaning in progress" cone at a security guard in the city's Waterside Shopping Centre.

He objected to Mr Linley taking his picture outside court, crossed the High Street to the far pavement and assaulted him just after 11am.
Well, he got no punishment for the first assault, so why not commit another?
Mr Linley, 34, went on to have three blood tests, plus an inoculation course for hepatitis B, over six months after initial medical treatment.
Human mouths are dirty. Dirtier, often, than dogs.
Bloodworth, of St Crispin's Close, North Hykeham, admitted assault on March 15 last year on the basis that it was accidental. This was not accepted by the Crown.
Well, indeed!
Bloodworth was given 12 weeks' custody for the assault and four weeks' prison for breaching the conditional discharge, to run concurrently, suspended for a year.
‘To punish you for not behaving when we gave you a chance last time, we’re going to…give you a chance again.’
The court heard the Department for Work and Pensions has arranged a signer for deaf man Bloodworth to the tune of £85,000 over three years to enable him to begin work.
To….begin work? For three years? FFS!

No doubt the victim is pretty cheesed off with this sentence, and railing at the vagaries of the useless justice system?

Mr Linley said after the hearing: "I hope this court case represents a fork in the road for Mr Bloodworth.

"In court he seemed to understand the consequences of what he did.

"If he realises this is not acceptable and adjusts his behaviour accordingly, then it's good for everybody."
/facepalm. Now, I want to take a chunk out of Mr Linley!


  1. One assumes Mr Linley is a Guardian staff photographer...

  2. "I hope this court case represents a fork in the road for Mr Bloodworth" ...

    Having looked at the photo of the aptly named Bloodworth .. I'd suggest "a fork in the head" might do more good ..

    I'm told that Wilkinson Sword do several suitable models ..

  3. Did I read this right? The offence happened in March last year?

    Whatever happened to swift ... I was going to say 'justice' ... swift pussyfooting, anyway?

  4. Heh - the attacker's name's Bloodworth.

  5. Nope, once they've tasted blood, you'll never change them

  6. He's committed two assaults and escaped prison. He will make an entirely rational judgement about how "unacceptable" his behaviour really is.

    It is a feature of these cases that the more blood-curdling the summing up by the beak, the more risible the setence passed.

  7. What IS this insanity of wishing your attacker nothing but good things in life ?

    I wish them only the realisation... that can only ever really come with excruciating pain...that picking a fight was a bad idea and should never be attempted again on pain of...well...yet more pain.

    Where they slither off to following... and how they live their lives thereafter... this painful realisation I really don't give a sh*t :)

  8. "the Department for Work and Pensions has arranged a signer for deaf man Bloodworth to the tune of £85,000 over three years to enable him to begin work."

    Has anyone a the DWP ever heard of the term 'Return on Investment' ?
    Nope, I guess not.

    Bring on the Cuts !

  9. I used to live in North Hykeham... but I haven't bitten anyone, yet

  10. "One assumes Mr Linley is a Guardian staff photographer..."

    He couldn't be any wetter, could he?

    "I'd suggest "a fork in the head" might do more good .."


    "Whatever happened to swift ... I was going to say 'justice' ... "

    Well, they do say the wheels of justice grind slow..

    "It is a feature of these cases that the more blood-curdling the summing up by the beak, the more risible the setence passed."

    Oh, indeed!

  11. "What IS this insanity of wishing your attacker nothing but good things in life ?"

    I think it's the liberals version of a peacock spreading it's tail feathers: 'Look at how magnanimous and forgiving I am!'

    "Has anyone a the DWP ever heard of the term 'Return on Investment' ?"

    Nope. It's the 'spending other people's money on other people' syndrome.

    "I used to live in North Hykeham... but I haven't bitten anyone, yet"

    There's still time! :)
