Tuesday 2 August 2011

Six Of One, Half-A-Dozen Of The Other…

An experiment to get visitors to Hyde Park to take away their litter has left organisers "disgusted".

Part of the park was left covered in fast-food wrappers, bottles and even soiled nappies after staff stopped clearing up at the weekend.
Yuck! Disgusting!
The initiative was launched on Friday evening by the Royal Parks Agency and Keep Britain Tidy to show the need for the public to take responsibility for its own litter.
Quite right too!
Organisers stopped picking up litter and emptying bins
Wait, what..?

Let’s hear that again:
Organisers stopped picking up litter and emptying bins
Ummm, right.

So organisers stopped emptying the bins and then squawked like drenched hens when the rubbish piled up, did they?
Keep Britain Tidy spokeswoman Helen Bingham said: "It was a real mess by this morning - it was disgusting. Lots of people have sat down on the grass and eaten or drunk or changed their baby's nappy and left it behind."

Some people took their rubbish away, while others wrapped it in plastic bags and left it beside overflowing bins, which became an unofficial dumping ground.
"People normally don't see the consequences of littering," Ms Bingham said. "But this shows if you don't clear up after yourself, what it looks like. It's revolting."

It also shows that when the facilities provided for people in order to ‘Keep Britain Tidy’ are neglected, your little publicity stunt has a way of backfiring and leaving you with a foul-smelling mess to clear up, eh Helen?

The comments show that people aren't taken in. Not one little bit.


  1. I am told that a Tea Party demo in Washington left the place relatively tidy after everyone went home.

    Not so for the Obumble fans and demorats who thronged the city for the crowning of the Chosen One. The rubbish left behind that glorious day was huge, but then perhaps it all means extra bonuses for the yoonions.

  2. All part of the anti-"cuts" propaganda.

    DCMS are pissing billions up against the wall on the Olympics and god knows what other boondoggles, but the cuts will always take place (and my council is playing the same game) on the simple stuff that should do and which costs close to fuck all to deliver.

  3. Next: we'll close all the public toilets and expect people to take their excreta home rather than relieving themselves in doorways. Oh, hang on, that's already been tried.

  4. Thanks for reminding me Joseph.
    Local bogs to close on the 31st.
    council says it costs £10k to keep them open.

    The local pubs are happy to provide for almost free IF the council will pay a small contribution to cleaning, care etc. About £2000 should be enough between them all.

  5. If they don't want to empty the bins then let's sack the lazy fuckers.

  6. I know the Truth. I know the whole Shebang...in this case.

    Actually it wasn't any kind of 'initiative' or backdoor cost cutting measure. Oh do wise up people, how 'thin' does an excuse, a cover story, have to be before you'll NOT swallow it hook, line and spinner?!

    Do any of you recall the real reason why so many public bins were removed? That's right, the IRA. Their active service units discovered that putting bombs in bins made a perfect 'shaped charge' and handy hiding place that sniffer dogs wouldn't find.

    This thing at the weekend was similar. Come on, the fact that we were finally due to get a hot weekend when every Londoner would be lying untidly around the public parks should give you a clue..!

    There was no way our valiant Security Services could monitor every single bin in the park so they came up with this genius plan: DON'T EMPTY THE BINS.

    Cos what happens when the bins don't get emptied? Yep, people pile up their rubbish around the already overflowing bin.

    Used pampers, Starfucks 'beakers' and fast food packets make a fantastic impromptu BLAST SHIELD.

    Look at the pictures.

    Now excuse me, the BBC news is on and I need to put my tin foil hat on to protect me from the alien ray technology the government stream out via the MSM.

  7. "I am told that a Tea Party demo in Washington left the place relatively tidy after everyone went home."

    Yup, I remember the news reports at the time, and the Dems attempts to pooh-pooh them. Unsuccessfully.

    "All part of the anti-"cuts" propaganda."

    Yup, no doubt!

    "The local pubs are happy to provide for almost free IF the council will pay a small contribution to cleaning, care etc. About £2000 should be enough between them all."

    So, the other £8000 was for...?

    "Do any of you recall the real reason why so many public bins were removed? That's right, the IRA. "

    If only the IRA were all we had to worry about these days...

    The bomb squad still get their practice in, though.

  8. Captain Haddock3 August 2011 at 10:10

    "The bomb squad still get their practice in, though" ...

    And thank Christ we have such people, willing to do such a dangerous job .. knowing that every call-out may be the last thing they'll ever do ..

    EOD (Explosives Ordnance Disposal) Operators really are the bravest of the brave ..

  9. I hear there's to be a similar campaign where they close the toilets and tell people to shit into a plastic bag and take it home with them. I wonder how that will go.

  10. Curmudgeon & Ian B - I have an amusing story to use in my "Friday Funnies" at Max Farquar's gaff regarding your comments.

    Sorry for the shameless self publicity!

  11. @ Capt. Haddock

    It's probably not very often we'd agree on the definition of the word 'bravery' especially when applied to members of Crown Forces, but in this case you're absolutely right. Bomb disposal goes beyond brave.

    Mind you, by the same token, it goes both ways. The plastique don't pick and choose. The IRA Soldier who drove a lorry full of sweaty, unstable,homemade explosive through London might be described as many things ('murdering scum' for favourite) but a 'coward' wouldn't be one of them either.
