Thursday 25 August 2011

A Worrying Trend

Frustrated residents in Woodford chased off a group of unruly youths after they say police failed to respond.

The residents, who have been blighted by regular arson and vandal attacks over a six-year period, say they are "sick" of the anti-social behaviour.
No doubt if they’d harmed any of the little darlings, or even ‘offended or alarmed them’, the police would have been round lickety-split…
Ryan Burrows, a trainee tree surgeon who lives in Reynolds Road, was one of the men who gave chase to the youths on Sunday night.

"The lack of police effort is appalling," said the 18-year-old, whose car had its windscreen and sunroof smashed by youths about two weeks ago.

"We're completely sick of all this. The police don't seem to care.

"As residents we feel like we have to take on the problem ourselves. We just don't want this problem around here."
The police response is drawn from the Big Police Handbook of PR:
… Sergeant Paul Laity, neighbourhood team leader, said: "There do not seem to be any major antisocial behaviour issues in this area and I'd like to reassure residents that we have a very low crime levels (sic) in Plympton.*

"We have regular patrols as well as special constables and the police cadets in the area.
"However, we always have a slight increase in antisocial behaviour incident during the school summer holidays, as with most other areas in the force."
Translation: ‘Blah blah community blah blah concerns blah blah reassurance blah…‘

Still, perhaps as a result of this news article’s proof that the residents aren’t reassured and do have a problem with anti-social behaviour criminal damage and arson, the Neighbourhood Team have been stung into action at last:
The police are organising a 'diversionary' event entitled 'Beat the Beat' for young people in Plympton this Friday at 1pm.
Young people will be able to challenge police officers on a range of events including a bucking bronco, football, ping pong and Band Hero.
Oh, give me strength…!

* Yes, if that name sounds familiar, it's the place where the authorities couldn't give a hoot about criminals and vandals, but do get in a bit of a bate about men taking owls for a walk...


  1. "Young people will be able to challenge police officers on a range of events including a bucking bronco, football, ping pong and Band Hero."

    Oh Sweet Jesus wept! Do they, the Policey men, not see that is exactly the sort of behaviour that teaches the yoof to see the man and not the uniform.

    And then they grizzle that a 'minority' have no respect.

    It isn't PC Smith wearing a clown's nose having wet sponges thrown at him , it's the Law. PC Smith should not wonder when tomorrow the same yoof start throwing rocks.

  2. The result of years of overeducation - the only 'authority' that so many people know to emulate these days is the petty authority of the school system.

  3. So remind me again about this Rule of Law thing....

  4. "As residents we feel like we have to take on the problem ourselves."

    Well, there's a start. They're largely your kids, your neighbours, your community.

    While I don't excuse the inaction of the local Youth & Toddler Fun Brigade; its about time people stopped expecting the 'authorities' to deal with all our problems... if the last 10 years has shown us anything, its that the authorities aren't particularly very good at it!

  5. I'm only surprised the residents waited for 6 years before doing anything themselves. Eloi & Morlock Syndrome strikes again.

  6. I see those police cuts are hitting hard. /sarcasm

  7. Has anyone twigged yet that 'broken windows' policing means getting cops to do their job?

  8. The only 'broken windows' theory progressives believe in is the economic one.

  9. wtf is a "tree surgeon"?

  10. Relax, all you thugs and looters -
    only law-abiding citizens need fear the police today.

  11. Dear Greencoat,

    "...only law-abiding citizens need fear the police today."

    I know what you mean but such a generality still presents plod with an unacceptable level of risk. I suggest '....only senior citizens <7 stone, the inebriated and wheelchair-bound need fear the police today.'

  12. Oh God, playing ping-pong and video games with the scrotes? That'll learn 'em. Why do I get a vision of a trendy vicar sitting on a stool playing a guitar (and losing?)

  13. "Oh Sweet Jesus wept! Do they, the Policey men, not see that is exactly the sort of behaviour that teaches the yoof to see the man and not the uniform."

    Apparently not, no matter how many times it is pointed out to them...

    "The result of years of overeducation..."

    Don't let the exam pass rate rise fool you... ;)

    "So remind me again about this Rule of Law thing...."

    Yes, this is what happens when it breaks down. It isn't a good thing.

    "Well, there's a start. They're largely your kids, your neighbours, your community."

    Maybe. Or maybe not.

    Either way, vigilante justice and 'taking the law into our own hands' isn't something we are supposed to have to do.

  14. "Has anyone twigged yet that 'broken windows' policing means getting cops to do their job?"

    These days, it seems too many of them don't actually want to do a cop's job. They want to be youth leaders in uniform!

    "wtf is a "tree surgeon"?"

    He's the guy you call when it looks like your false acacia might come into your living room in the next high wind. I found that out last year.

    "Why do I get a vision of a trendy vicar sitting on a stool playing a guitar (and losing?)"


  15. "Yes, this is what happens when it breaks down. It isn't a good thing."

    No it isn't. But as Plato said once the law fails to protect the people, the people are well within their rights to take the law into their own hands.

    This what is happening in the UK now. The law no longer protects those it is designed to protect. It protects the perpetrator more than it protects the victims of crimes. The Police have abandoned their Peelian principles and we are left with no choice but to seek rough justice. I'm not saying it is right - it is just very worrying indeed.

  16. "..The Police have abandoned their Peelian principles and we are left with no choice but to seek rough justice..."

    A nail and head moment, Henry. I feel obliged to add that UK police abandoned all principles outside of serving themselves, long ago.

  17. Don't let the exam pass rate rise fool you...

    I said people had been educated, I didn't say they'd been taught anything. ;)
