Wednesday 3 August 2011

Yes, I Think We Could Have Worked That Out For Ourselves…

CiF publishes a whinge about inadequate resources, recalcitrant computer systems and lackadaisical management by ‘Violet Towers’.

Who she? Well, according to the bio, she ‘has worked in probation for 8 years, the majority of which as a probation officer. She writes using a pseudonym, and posts on Cif as Violetforthemoment’.

And how does she describe herself?
… as a knit-yer-own-hummus lefty Guardianista
Wow! There’s redundancy for you…

She’s upset at the thought of Kenneth Clarke being sidelined by the government, unfairly in her view, since she believes him to be an ideal Justice Secretary. Alas:
..David Cameron has made it clear that his views are not what he wants from a justice secretary.
That’s because the public outcry whenever this fat idiot opens his mouth can’t be ignored – even by Cameron – any longer.

On the subject of ‘inadequate resources, recalcitrant computer systems and lackadaisical management’ I’m in full agreement with her, by the way.


  1. Captain Haddock3 August 2011 at 11:47

    ‘Violet Towers’...

    Well, I suppose that "Lavender Towers", "Pinko Towers"
    .. or even "Ivory Towers" would all have been aqually apt ..

    Silly cow !

  2. Clarkey can't be all bad - he does smoke.

  3. "And how does she describe herself?

    … as a knit-yer-own-hummus lefty Guardianista…"

    Which, by strange coincidence, was about the only readable sentence she wrote.

    It's fairly obvious that the only Creative Writing practice she gets is filling in those assessment forms.

  4. Captain Haddock3 August 2011 at 17:43

    @ SBC ..

    "It's fairly obvious that the only Creative Writing practice she gets is filling in those assessment forms" ...

    And claiming her expenses .. I suppose ..

  5. "Which, by strange coincidence, was about the only readable sentence she wrote. "

    It was pretty bad, even by CiF standards...

  6. The 'National Offender Management Service' (NOMS - I joke not) is awful. At least from the perepctive of a potential contractor - their computer system amd process could have been designed to put off the applicant.

    And I like Ken Clarke
