Sunday 4 September 2011

How Many Legs..?!?


They do get it right in the body of the story, however. But then there's this:

GAH! It's 'reins', you morons!


  1. "Ar-ANCHOR-nophobia" ?

    Something from which I've never suffered .. lucky really in my former line of work .. ;)

  2. "Something from which I've never suffered .."

    Do tell about the time you caught web scurvy aMong complications, el capitano.

  3. Lucky there were no Welsh shepherds involved, otherwise somebody would have to do the wether.

  4. The weather!
    The leather!
    The weather!
    The leather!
    The weather!
    The leather!
    The weather!
    The leather!

    [guaranteed to get those of a certain age/disposition howling with pleasure. But otherwise off topic. Please carry on]

  5. Julia you missed this bit immediately after...

    But her efforts proved to be in vein

    /double facepalm

  6. Shame you'd already done your weekly Cracked! link. Or should that be "dun you're weakly"?

  7. "The furry SIX LEGGED creature" - WTF!!!

    Since when did spiders only have six legs??? Nice to see how well edjurcated our reporters are these days...

  8. Six legs? I blame the eeeevil tory cuts.

    Which reminds me of the similarly budgetarily disabled 'hexapus' in 'It Came From Beneath the Sea'.

    You're welcome.

  9. "Lucky there were no Welsh shepherds involved, otherwise somebody would have to do the wether."


    "Julia you missed this bit immediately after..."

    Oh, I've become 'word blind' to that one! I see it so often..

    "Shame you'd already done your weekly Cracked! link."

    Ooh! I missed that one!

    "Which reminds me of the similarly budgetarily disabled 'hexapus' in 'It Came From Beneath the Sea'."

    Heh! My sympathy is with the animators on that one! 'Screw this! Who'll notice?'
