Thursday 8 September 2011

I Suppose We’d Better Not Call These ‘The Feral Underclass’ Or The Left Will Get Upset…

At Inner London crown court Beckford, of Gypsy Hill, and Vaughan, of Croydon, were both jailed for four years. Fellow gang members Daniello Johnson, of no fixed address, and Antonio Williams, of Thornton Heath, both 19, were also sentenced to four years each while Sian Roberts, 24, of Bromley, received two and a half years.
That seems quite a weak sentence for the savagery they displayed…
Sentencing, Judge Usha Karu said: "A vulnerable 16-year-old girl was subjected by each of you to a terrifying ordeal which culminated in her humiliation and degradation. This was then distributed on the internet for everyone to see.

"Her humiliation, fear and reluctance must have been obvious to you, yet you persisted, determined to achieve some kind of revenge for a sum of money that amounts to about £50."
Yup, a £50 debt.

Mind you, it doesn’t even need anything as trivial as a debt to provoke these beasts in human skin:
A young man was killed after he remonstrated with a group of youths for throwing conkers at him, police have revealed.

Steven Grisales, 21, protested when his assailants launched their missiles as he walked towards a London railway station last month.

But moments later he was knifed in the chest. He died of his wounds in hospital the next day.
Once again, a complete contrast between decent individual and street rats, between Eloi and Morlocks…
Just weeks before he was attacked, on August 31, Mr Grisales had returned to London from Argentina where he had moved to live with his father.

He had been hoping to start a three-year architectural course this month as part of a scholarship from Westminster College.

Detectives believe he was set upon by up to three young black males, possibly in their late teens or early 20s.
He is not believed to have known the suspects.
I don’t know them either. I don’t even recognise them as belonging to the human species.


  1. The 'feral underclass' is now a recognisable a subgroup of 'THE FERALS' (Fearfree Elders Righteously Advocating Longterm Swindles)- a group including MPs, councillors, faux charity employees and all those troughers who think themselves to be above the law.
    Margaret Moran, Sir Stuart Bell and well publicised others are to be admired!

  2. Lest we pick up our invitations to a feast of self righteousness without thought, let us not forget that violence has and always will be, with us. It is undeniably present in our genetic code and a deeply ingrained feature of our culture.

    And what a few mad teenagers can do pales alongside the State's
    monopoly of it. Through its own gangs, the State sets the worst examples to the young who see violence beget violence. Far from ending the latter, it nods an approval to it. You feel safe for as long as the Establishment is obeyed. It is a game table at which the hypocrites are seated with aces up their sleeves and the poor, the uneducated and disenfranchised are dealt the worst cards.

    Please tell us, JuliaM, how order and a fair society can be arranged and maintained without violence.

  3. "Detectives believe he was set upon by up to three young black males, possibly in their late teens or early 20s."

    A detail which, probably for reasons of space, the BBC neglected to include.

    What cesspit London has become.

  4. FERALS means ..

    Feckless Eejits Running Amok Looting & Stealing ..

  5. "Please tell us, JuliaM, how order and a fair society can be arranged and maintained without violence."

    Please tell us MTG at what point individual responsibility ends and culpability by some spooky collective force begins.

    I'd really like to know just so I can begin exactly categorising all of my actions accordingly.

  6. I wonder what she had bought off this gang to run up a £50 debt?
    If you lay down with dogs you get fleas......

  7. I wonder what she had bought off this gang to run up a £50 debt?
    If you lay down with dogs you get fleas......

  8. @ Katabasis

    "Please tell us MTG at what point individual responsibility ends and culpability by some spooky collective force begins."

    Heavily debated but unfortunately ill defined in the course of the Nuremberg trials, its origin must appear early on the exponential curve of mass civil disobedience/revolution.

    Perhaps you haven't noticed but the slogan you borrowed from Leonidas for your blog header, comes pretty close.

  9. Judge Usha Karu. Date of Birth
    18/12/1958 New Delhi, India

    FUCKS SAKE!!! Are there no fucking WHITES left in the U.K these days?

  10. So another pale skin is muirdered by a pack of black savages... But of course it's not a racist crime...

  11. @FT - you never know, there's always hope fo' dem bwoys innit aiiiggghhht?

    Tokenism? Taking up a place some hard working law abiding young person could have had!

  12. ""

    I pushed half an onion under each eyelid and still couldn't get misty eyed over that.

    Agree with Ranter, that's the worst kind of tokenism.

  13. "...what a few mad teenagers can do pales alongside the State's
    monopoly of it. "

    I can vote out MPs. I can't vote out feral teenagers.

    "A detail which, probably for reasons of space, the BBC neglected to include."

    Yes. That must be the answer.

    "I wonder what she had bought off this gang to run up a £50 debt?"

    Cupcakes..? ;)

    "I pushed half an onion under each eyelid and still couldn't get misty eyed over that."

    Thank god! I was beginning to think I was the only one.
