Thursday 15 September 2011

No, No, Jamie Ellis, Actually, You ARE A ‘Horrible Person’…

Jamie Ellis stabbed Alami Gotip, 22, more than 30 times at her home in the Dedridge area of Livingston, West Lothian, when he snapped because she had complained that he had not made garlic bread for dinner.
That was just the spark, of course, it was the usual story of barely-capable ‘adults’ in a spiralling-out-of-control relationship.

With the added horror of kids in the mix (thankfully not Ellis’s).
The High Court in Edinburgh heard that 18-year-old Ellis, who was in an on-off relationship with Ms Gotip, also told police he felt the relationship was coming to an end.
He said: 'I love her that much I can't possibly imagine her with anyone else and I just thought f*** it.'
The depths of nihilistic ennui in that statement…
Ellis handed himself into police, telling them 'it shouldn't have happened' and he would 'take it on the chin.
He also told them: 'It's not that I am a horrible person but s*** happens.'
OK, I was wrong. That’s the statement that chills the blood, isn’t it?


  1. Looks like a pretty standard case of jealousy leading to murder, the kind of stuff that people used to write overwrought melodramas about.

    It seems to me that we have a stereotype now that only women want "commitment" and men are generally casual. But in fact men can "commit" very strongly, and thus become extremely jealous. And jealousy has always had a tendency to lead to violence and even murder. Jealousy is a form of obsession. Jealous people are living with a constant, enormous emotional pressure which can become quite intolerable. That gives such people a strong tendency to just "snap".

    That is not to defend him. But this kind of story is as old as humanity and has, as I said, been the plot of many a pot-boiler.

  2. Pot-boiler?

    More like Garlic Press to me.

  3. I fear (NOT!) that deal little Jamie may soon be experiencing quite a lot of the "shit" that he says "happens," preferably from big, burly, well-endowed gentlemen of the "like a little young rump" variety.

  4. Ellis said "... he would take it on the chin"

    Look James, you're a bit of a pretty boy if you don't mind me saying so, but I think you'll find that when you get to the big house you might indeed get asked where you want 'it'... unfortunately, I just don't think your chin will be one of the options?

    Its entirely possible you're not a horrible person. However I think you'll find your new bunk mates are!! Have fun.

  5. "It seems to me that we have a stereotype now that only women want "commitment" and men are generally casual. But in fact men can "commit" very strongly, and thus become extremely jealous. "

    Good point.

    "...little Jamie may soon be experiencing quite a lot of the "shit" that he says "happens," preferably from big, burly, well-endowed gentlemen of the "like a little young rump" variety."

