Sunday 11 September 2011

You’ve Policies For All Sorts Of ‘Sustainable’ Crap, But Not For This?

A mother-of-two called police after she was called fat by a man in a supermarket.
What?!? Outrageous!

Well, no, actually. He didn’t just do that, he did a bit more:
Claire James, who gave birth to daughter Ruby four months ago, was getting out of her car as another shopper was trying to park next to her at Sainsbury's in The Drove, Newhaven.

When she asked the man to wait he called her a fat b**** and told her to get out of the way.

The 37-year-old said he then pursued her into the shop and continued to shout at her and abuse her about her weight.
Whereupon security staff were called?

"Staff did nothing. I am a member of staff in that Sainsbury's but I am currently on maternity leave after giving birth four months ago."
Wow! I bet you’re looking forward to going back, then!

And the reason for this?
Deputy store manager Martin Thomas, who was in the shop that day, said they asked the man to stop swearing and he walked away.

Mr Thomas said it was a matter of "discretion" for senior staff to decide whether someone should be escorted out of a store and he believed that once the man had walked away the matter was "resolved".
Did he ask the customer, his staff member? Or did he just think ‘Whew! Dodged a bullet there!’?
He said: "We can't just ask someone to leave because someone tells us to.
"We have situations like this in stores quite often and we have a policy on it."
Nice admission: ‘Our store policy on abusive and aggressive customers threatening women is to wait until they walk away of their own account’…


  1. OTOH, fatties can be amazingly dense. A very tubby woman parked her car in a crowded shopping mall car park, straddling two bays so she could get the door open wide enough to shove her enormous carcass out.

    As I was looking for park my car and ease my slimmer frame out of my vehicle, I confess I did wind my window down and compliment her on such wonderful parking.

    Her reaction was to say she was doing it for her child, though as I pointed out before I drove off the mother and child bays nearby were curiously empty.

    But it got me thinking: if we have Mother and Child bays and Disabled bays how long before we get Fat Bastard bays specially marked out?

  2. I spent a few years working at the Co-op part-time while I got my degree.

    And this sounds exactly like what would've happened there.

    We had no security, and despite a police station being less than a minute away on the same street, it'd take them about an hour to arrive to any incident.

    The unofficial store policy was to not get involved in any situation at all...

  3. "if we have Mother and Child bays and Disabled bays how long before we get Fat Bastard bays specially marked out?"

    The Blubbery always use the crippled parking anyways. You can't park a Fatty Buggy (ie mobi scooter) next to your Uber wagen in a normal bay.

    W/V 'GRABI'...the flab and ride the ripples.

  4. There seems to be a fair bit of open season on smokers, drinkers and fat people. Size to my mind is unimportant, people in general are dense, not to mention selfish with the me me attitude.

    I was down the car park the other week, and witnessed a woman reversing out. As she was doing so a toddler walked behind the car, she couldn't possibly have seen it as the kid was lower than the rear window.

    The mother of said kid began shouting and carrying on hitting the car etc. Well sorry, the woman driver wasn't at fault, it was the mother. Who in their right mind allows their kid to wander around a busy car park on it's own?

    People these days feel they have the right to do whatever they like and when it all goes pear shaped, it's always someone elses fault.

    We have a generation of idiots always ready to sue, enabled by an industry of ambulance chasers. How often have we seen the "I was walking through reception and I slipped on the wet floor, hurting my knee. got me a settlement of £5k".

    In more saner times, it would have been a case of "Well stop texting and watch where the fuck you're going".

    Man abusing fat woman was a bullying tosser, bottom line is would he have pursued her if she'd been "Stabby McChav? I doubt it some how.

    Being a person that's Sveltely challenged, there's this erroneous belief that having something of a lard arse, you are in someway slow and a bit of a softy. My days of racing young uns round the car park are over, but on a distance of your average bar, I can give Linford Christie a run for his money.

  5. So the second part of his desciption - the b**** bit was not contested then?

  6. "But it got me thinking: if we have Mother and Child bays and Disabled bays how long before we get Fat Bastard bays specially marked out?"

    Somewhere for the cops to park, then? ;)

    "There seems to be a fair bit of open season on smokers, drinkers and fat people. "

    Yup! It's NuPuritanism.

  7. I will not shop in Sainsbury's because a member of staff was abusive when I returned a pot of pate that had grown mould over two days when it was kept in the refridgerator. As someone with ample proportions in terms of circumferential measurement (OK I'm fat!) this has encouraged me in my decision to keep away.
