Wednesday 23 November 2011

The Disabled - Still A Low Hand In Victimhood Poker

"At 6.30pm, his friend rang Swift Taxis and at 6.40pm a green VW People Carrier driven by the defendant arrived," she said.

The blind man was allowed into the vehicle while his dog, Farley, was put in by the friend.

"The defendant pushed the dog out of the vehicle, saying that he had no dog guard and so couldn't carry it," Mrs Gutteridge said. "The passenger and his friend told him he was breaking the law."
Of course, then the story changed:
Mrs Gutteridge said (redacted) said he could not allow dogs into the cab because he was allergic to them, but then because he had no guard.
And then it changed again:
When interviewed on March 22, (redacted) admitted he was the owner of the vehicle and said his children had eczema and asthma.
Of course, readers who have seen this before - or who've followed this link - can take a guess as to the real reason.
Because of Fasny's original not guilty plea, the case had been set for a trial and cost the council £1,328.40.
Will it (we) see that money back? Why, no. Of course not:
District Judge John Temperley said because of his guilty plea Fasny had proven he did not have any intention of discriminating against any passenger because of disability.

Fasny was ordered to pay £300 costs.

And thanks to the actions of idiot judges like Temperley, Muslims will continue to flout the law of the land because, hey, why not? What's the worst that happens?


  1. Joolz, Sorry but I have to correct you here. *Fashionable* disability is very high up the list of winning hands in Victimhood poker...sure not quite the 'straight' of being Muslim nor the Royal Straight Flush of being a 'rape' victim BUT being 'autistic' or 'ADHD', for example, are still solid Full Houses...of consumer goods paid for by the rest of society.

  2. Rearrange the following words into a meaningful direction for Britain:

    You have been, Muslim, invasion, with an, barbarians, sold out by socialists, by an, of, so hard luck for voting them in.

  3. From the linked article: "taxi drivers who could not carry dogs for medical reasons could apply for an exemption certificate."

    ....and strict checks on their stated grounds for qualification are performed before exemption is granted ? I wonder...

  4. I rarely take Max (Lab) in a cab, but I refuse to travel with Muslims who won't take him at any time.

  5. What's the worst that happens?

    someone accidentally loses half a dozen rashers of streaky down the joins in his seats

  6. What's the worst that happens?

    someone accidentally loses half a dozen rashers of streaky down the joins in his seats

    Must try that one. Instant haram taxi.

  7. Is there meant to be a photo at the end of that link?

  8. "...still solid Full Houses...of consumer goods paid for by the rest of society."


    "....and strict checks on their stated grounds for qualification are performed before exemption is granted ? "

    They damned well would be if I ran the system!

    "Is there meant to be a photo at the end of that link?"

    I don't think so.
