Monday 21 November 2011

LibDems – Really Going For Broke In ‘Losing Voters’ Stakes…

Social club bosses criticised councillors who issued leaflets warning residents the club will play loud music until the early hours.

Liberal Democrats from Colchester’s Castle ward delivered the notices to homes near Belle Vue Social Club, in Colne Bank Avenue.
Were they unaware of the proposed changes, then?

Well, no, as the commenters point out, a list of these proposed changed was posted on the doors of the club
The leaflets say if the application is allowed, music and noise from people leaving the premises would go on for longer.

Most members are in their seventies and use the venue for arts, bingo and cribbage.
Well, you can’t trust those rowdy pensioners, I suppose…
Club secretary Sandra Knight said: “It makes us look as if we are a nightclub. We are a family club and, in the current climate, have to look at opportunities.”
Don’t the LibDems know there’s a recession on?
Lib Dem copuncillor Henry Spyvee said the notices were distributed after a resident raised concerns.
Just one? I guess he’s a fervent LibDem supporter, eh?

Hope that one makes up for the 400+ potential club member voters you’ve just riled up…
He said: “We haven’t had complaints about the club in the past. Now they have a smoking area, so people go outside more, something the club cannot avoid.
“Now, on top of that, they want to extend hours and people are saying they have put up with enough.’’
Hang on, it was just one a minute ago. Now it’s ‘people’..? And as for the smoking forcing people ouyside, well, maybe you should think about challenging the smoking ban?

Comments are rather illuminating:
SoundSense says...

I am local to the Belle Vue Social Club. I have seen the leaflet on Castle Ward Liberal Democrats headed paper. The leaflet states that a full list of licence changes is posted on the doors of the club - so why didn't they read the list and get their facts right before publishing a document offering assistance by the Ward Councillors to block the application? If they'd checked they'd have seen there's no change to the hours music is permitted yet they state "The amplified music played, often coming from open windows, would go on longer". Firstly, there are no opening windows in the club (for security reasons) and secondly, the music will not go on longer!
Oh, dear. Poor LibDems… *chortle*


  1. "Lib Dem councillor Henry Spyvee said the notices were distributed after a resident raised concerns" ...

    "I went hiking with Joe Spivey;
    He developed poison ivy" ...

    Maybe old 'Enery might care to think long & hard before going walking alone in woodland ..;)

    Limp Dums .. don'tcha just love 'em ? .... :(

  2. The bit that is missing in this is that it is not just noise that can be a problem, it is the seismic effect on buildings over a period of time. In general the older the building the more vulnerable it is to damage. Somewhere a building will just fall down in a "clubbing" area and then wait for the row.

  3. "The bit that is missing in this is that it is not just noise that can be a problem, it is the seismic effect on buildings over a period of time."

    They'd have to be playing it quite loud (and for a prolonged period) for that, though?
