Friday 16 December 2011

Because We’re Worth It!

Sir Peter Soulsby told a pay panel that the salary for the post of city mayor should reflect its "symbolic importance" and attract a suitable successor, it has been revealed.
Well, frankly, I’d say its ‘symbolic importance’ is now about £400 worth, since most of our laws are handed down by Brussels…
And his deputy mayor, Rory Palmer, said his post had a greater "power and influence" than that of an MP and should merit a wage of between 75 and 80 per cent of the mayor's salary.
The greed and arrogance of these people knows no bounds, does it?
In his meeting, Sir Peter said his role was very different to that of the former leader in terms of public expectation.

He also noted that while an MP had significant influence an elected mayor had more direct power. He said he worked up to 70 hours each week.
Really? Only if he counts going to parties and catered functions as ‘work’….


  1. Aaah, here beginneth the brainstorming for unorthodox solutions to the present financial crisis.

    My proposal is to employ every citizen as a 'Mayoral Helper' and pay ourselves starting salaries of £70,000 + vomit bag allowance.

  2. "Sir Peter Soulsby told a pay panel that the salary for the post of city mayor should reflect its "symbolic importance" ..

    In which case, the mayor of Hull should only be drawing 3/6d per annum ... ;)

  3. In these challenging times we are going to need our best bullshitters to reassure the public all is well.

    The proles will start to panic unless they see the calm arrogance of a leader demanding more money when all else go to the wall.

    Makes you proud to be British. Sad thing is that he is not alone and upper management is rarely culled, no matter how big a cluster they create.

    Why can't the public give their heads a shake and stop voting for the main parties, they are all the same.

  4. "My proposal is to employ every citizen as a 'Mayoral Helper' and pay ourselves starting salaries of £70,000..."

    Are you a Labour politician, perchance..?

    "In which case, the mayor of Hull should only be drawing 3/6d per annum ... ;)"

    Or paying us!

    "Why can't the public give their heads a shake and stop voting for the main parties, they are all the same."

    Or simply not vote at all?
