Wednesday 14 December 2011

The Rise Of The Manchild…

Gym members can end their membership during the first 12 months providing they give at least one month’s notice in writing.

At any time after the beginning of the 12th month of membership, three months notice in writing is required.

But Mr Whitfield, who lives in Strood, missed the deadline to hand in his notice because he was on holiday.

He and his partner were then faced with having to pay £50 each for the following three months.
So he did what most of us would do, grumble and pay up?

Well, no. Not quite:
The 40-year-old said: “I felt really angry - £300 is a lot of money.

“We only missed it by a few days but there was no understanding from the gym.

“So I walked around handing out leaflets, really just to warn other people to be on the lookout.

“The manager took me into his office, telling me we could discuss it, but nothing happened.

“So I jumped back over the barrier and threw myself into the swimming pool fully clothed in my business suit.

“I swam around a bit and then got out.”

I just…
Mr Whitfield was then escorted from the gym by police who gave him a warning about his behaviour.
An idiot jumping into the pool and ruining his own clothes is a matter for the police now?
He added: “It was a bit crazy to jump into the pool like that but someone had to make a splash.

“I drove home in my clothes soaking wet."
Your parents must be so proud…
Mr Whitfield says he then received a call from David Lloyd telling him his notice period would be waived as long as he did not step foot in the gym again.

He said: “I’ve won the battle.

“I feel quite excited and pleased about it but it’s caused me a load of hassle.”
Have a cookie! You big baby…


  1. I recommend such tactics when confronted by unreasonableness have used it a few times myself with some success. Jumping into swimming baths fully clothed is bit OTT. PS Be sure you are in the right before you do or you could end up with egg on your face.

  2. What a knobber !

    He should have simply terminated his membership, there & then .. cancelled his Direct Debit (or whatever) .. refused to pay & challenged them to take him to court ..

    Quite why the police allowed themselves to become involved in what is essentially a civil matter is beyond me ..

  3. “I feel quite excited and pleased about it but it’s caused me a load of hassle.”

    Jaded or a close relation?

  4. A salt and battered14 December 2011 at 11:23

    "Jaded or a close relation?"

    A fraction too bright. When I suggested that Jaded improve her outlook by waking to a little Bach, she bought a puppy.

  5. What kind of gym runs contracts like that? A GYM WITH A PONCY NAME.

  6. They want to extort £300 for the sake a 5 second computer entry. That's just typical. So fucking typical. Fucking shylocks. I hope the recession wipes them out.

  7. The police were probably called by the people at the gym as this guy was acting disorderly. If the police had refused to go out then the gym could have made a complaint and the officers in question be done for neglect of duty.

    The police should not have had to attend, but this male forced the issue with his antics.

    His 'victory' is in having escaped the consequences for his failure to terminate a contract he signed up to. Truly heroic.

  8. Er, am I missing something or was it not stated that he could have ended it at any point during the first 12 months. He then missed the deadline because he was on holiday. Christ, I want a holiday like that. He's got to be either a teacher or a politician to get 12 mths off.

    Either that or he left it for 12 mths and then suddenly, five minutes after the deadline, decided he didn't want to wait another 3 mths?????

    Sounds to me like some completely sad pathetic loser (er, I did say politician didn't I?) who wanted a bit of attention.

  9. @anon 17:01 "David Lloyd" is the name of the gym (Fitness Centre) so if he got a call from the CEO he must be doing alright, the big girls blouse.

  10. "PS Be sure you are in the right before you do or you could end up with egg on your face."

    Someone did point out that - technically - he won. I thought it was more of a Pyrrhic victory. Or rather, a pillock victory...

    " I hope the recession wipes them out."

    With the ever-growing cult of narcissism we seem to be growing? No chance.

    "The police were probably called by the people at the gym as this guy was acting disorderly. "

    I suspect so.

    "Sounds to me like some completely sad pathetic loser..."

    And one who is both oblivious to that, and keen to tell the world in the news. Quite a combination.
