Thursday 19 January 2012

The Unspeakable In Support Of The Unreleaseable…

Eve Ensler (in case you were wondering, the founder of ‘V-Day, a global movement to end violence against women and girls’) goes to bat for one of the ‘Guardian’s’ hopeless causes:
Judith Clark, a 1960s radical and the getaway driver of the 1981 robbery of a Brinks truck in Nanuet, New York, was the subject of a controversial article this Sunday, looking at her transformation in prison, and sparking a debate about rehabilitation.
Sparking a debate amongst, I’d guess, the sort of people Eve Ensler hangs out with. I can’t imagine it being much of a topic of conversation around the average US breakfast table.
I met Judy in 1996 at Bedford Hills correctional facility in upstate New York when, for five years, she participated in a writing group I ran. The group was mainly for long-term inmates who had committed violent crimes; the purpose was to give them a place, and a creative process, where they could come to terms with their actions, and take responsibility for their crimes, through writing – confessions, dreams, rants, memories.
It was an incredibly arduous, emotional process and in that time I got a deep look into the women in my group. I witnessed their bravery, their fear, but mainly their hunger for honesty
It’s almost like a parody of a CiF column, isn’t it?
I know few people in the outside world who would have survived the rigour and ferocity of their self-scrutiny.
Fancy that! I know few people who’d volunteer to drive the getaway car for a violent terrorist group…
If we call these places correctional facilities, we should be serious about rehabilitation. Yet instead of offering groups, methods and programs for prisoners to address their crimes, we merely recreate violent and inhumane environments – throwing people who have often suffered violence, poverty and degradation in the earliest parts of their lives into even greater cruelty, inhumanity and violence.
Judy Clark, however, has suffered none of those things, being the daughter of middle class American Communists.
Judy was sentenced to 75 years. She has already served 31. I believe she should be released now. She is a transformed person – kind, wise, moral, spiritual, devoted to others. I will stake my life that she will do good and not harm.
But you aren’t just staking your life, are you? You’re staking everyone else’s life.
I know there will be victims of her crimes who will be outraged by my support and sympathy for her.
There won’t, however, be anyone who is surprised by it…
Let's free Judy … and then I've got a long list of others.
And I bet they are all left-wing women.


  1. Read the WIKI thing.
    On her commie parents.
    Never ceases to amaze me how many communists become disillusioned with communism when they have to live with it.

  2. No mention of the three dead men, killed doing their jobs because of this wonderful woman? It is more than a parody of a CiF column it is a parody, of a parody of a parody!

    They have to be mentally ill!

  3. Marx and Expensive19 January 2012 at 17:25

    Of course the people who commit and support violent acts are sorry now, if sorrow ever enters into this, and naturally they want to be free.

    But what some of these people did was simply murder. It can, as always, be dressed up as some sort of misplaced political crusade to 'change the world' (usually involving changing one's own society ideals so some other society's ideals holds greater sway) and causes that burned so bright thirty years ago look pretty dim now.

    Should people locked away for crimes be made to pay so they have no life? Tricky one that, but then you could get the opinion of those killed for political ends -- usually left-wing politics -- and take note of what the murdered say.

    There's a fair chance that anyone killed by the left in one of their periodic fits of angst is not some right wing monster, but just some ordinary person who happened to be a 'symbol' or just in the way.

    As always with the left, such ordinary people are worthless and their lives not required in the glorious revolution that never quite comes. But they are dead, and to the uncaring left it is just as Stalin said, merely a statistic.

    So sorry, lady in jail, this is what you and your kind chose and this what happened. Get over it.

  4. "It was an incredibly arduous, emotional process and in that time I got a deep look into the women in my group. I witnessed their bravery, their fear, but mainly their hunger for honesty" ...

    Don't these dangerous morons spout some absolute crap ? ..

    If people like the one she's trying to get out of jail (and one has to wonder why) were "honest", they wouldn't be behind bars in the first place ..

  5. Selective, partial honesty. She still hasn't come clean about her comrades Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn (Obama's pals).


  6. Wiki : In 1969, Clark participated in the "Days of Rage" in Chicago, and she was arrested, along with several hundreds of others, for "mob action.

    The vomit inducing Guardian love affair with rioters and looters both past and present continues unabated.

  7. These lefties have a habit of driving Volvos to second homes in Wales. Let them rot. However, the IRA once posed as Marxist-Leninist and wasn't. The ideology is as ludicrous as the trickle-down economics of debt which ignore - er - debt (neo-classical).
    I go with Haddock on just how much nonsense is spouted. But it's just as wrong to imagine dangerous lefties are to blame for much else. The dangerous right has generally been more effective. The problem is crap leaders and docile followers. Worse than this old clown get let out or are at large. (ACO)

  8. She seems to have had approximately the same life inside as she would have had outside, except for having children.

    Meh. If you can't take a joke, don't drive a getaway vehicle in an armed robbery.

  9. "Never ceases to amaze me how many communists become disillusioned with communism when they have to live with it."

    See, they ARE capable of learning after all... ;)

    "There's a fair chance that anyone killed by the left in one of their periodic fits of angst is not some right wing monster, but just some ordinary person who happened to be a 'symbol' or just in the way."

    I'd say it's a bit more than a fair chance.

    "The dangerous right has generally been more effective. "

    Anders Breivik certainly selected his targets a lot more carefully.. :)

    "Meh. If you can't take a joke, don't drive a getaway vehicle in an armed robbery."

    Indeed! And, given this is the somewhat bonkers US Corrections system, I wouldn't rule out her having children as being one of the things she could only have done outside...

  10. To Eve Ensler and her ilk the vagina is supposed be the ultimate "get out of jail free" card.
