Friday 20 April 2012

Ah, It’s That Notorious Phrase Again…

A teenager has died after a motorbike he was riding hit a metal barrier in a park.

Lee Francis Wilson, 18, from Blackley, suffered serious chest injuries in the collision at Chadderton Hall Park, Oldham. He was taken to hospital but died later.
Riding a motorcycle in a park, eh?
Police are appealing for witnesses. Pc Danny Byrne said: “This is a tragic incident which has resulted in Lee’s untimely death, at the age of only 18.

“Our thoughts are with his family, who are being supported by specially trained officers at this very difficult time. Inquiries are ongoing to establish the exact circumstances surrounding the collision and I would ask for any witnesses or anyone with information to please get in touch.”
Don’t hold your breath…

H/T: Curmudgeon via email


  1. Call me wind because I am blown away by your post!

  2. @Keira, lay of the beans, there's a love.

  3. "after a motorbike he was riding hit a metal barrier in a park.

    Why an investigation when it clearly the murderous bike's fault ?

    Lock up the bike and make sure it never kills anyone ever again. Not rocket science, is it...

  4. He '....was a loveable rogue...'

    Isn't that code for something?

  5. We have loveable rogues enjoying the local woods on "peds", sometimes they even seem feral.

  6. It's a springtime ritual , the birdsong, the sights of springtime and a twos "ped" going full whack.


  7. Captain Haddock20 April 2012 at 18:44

    "Inquiries are ongoing to establish the exact circumstances surrounding the collision" ..

    Errm .. am I missing something here ?

    Surely irresistible force meeting immovable object, with predictable consequences, pretty much explains why Darwin triumphs yet again ..

  8. Loveable rogues or Feral teenagers, its the same thing really.

  9. Ancient + Tattered Airman20 April 2012 at 20:28

    I'm old enough to remember when the constabulay attended to their police duties. Nowadays it appears first and foremost like a branch of some uniformed welfare agency.

  10. He '....was a loveable rogue...'

    Isn't that code for something?

    It is a policeman's lot to frustrate himself with concepts beyond reach, Ranter.

  11. When o when are we going to do something about these killer barriers?

  12. Cheer up, everyone!

    It doesn't say that he was a doting father to Keighleee and Tysun, which might have disqualified him from a Darwin Award.

    Since when did 'loveable rogue' suggest 'has form'?

  13. "Why an investigation when it clearly the murderous bike's fault ? "

    Well, indeed. Why not phrase it 'when he drove his motorbike into a metal barrier'?

    "Isn't that code for something?"

    Yes. Yes, it usually is...

    "Surely irresistible force meeting immovable object, with predictable consequences, pretty much explains why Darwin triumphs yet again .."


  14. "I'm old enough to remember when the constabulay attended to their police duties. Nowadays it appears first and foremost like a branch of some uniformed welfare agency."

    But we should fear the cuts, apparently, because then they won't be out there on the front line catching burglars and rapists.

    Or enforcing photo embargoes.

    "Since when did 'loveable rogue' suggest 'has form'?"

    Since I started reading the newspapers!

  15. Suely that's 'irresponsible force meets...'


  16. One of my favourite euphemisms often appears in obituaries:
    "He didn't suffer fools gladly"
    i.e. "he was an insufferably rude, arrogant bully but was wealthy/influential enough to get away with it without a smack in the teeth".
