Tuesday 8 May 2012

The Most Generous Benefit System In The World...

A man went on a shoplifting spree - because his benefits had been cut and he did not have enough money to live on, a court heard.
Booo! Eeeeevil Tories, driving the poor to destitution! I mean., it's not this man's fault that he's unemplo...

Steven Weston was getting £197 every two weeks in handouts including a disability allowance for his "chemical addiction" or drug dependency.
Yes. You read that right. This emotive 'benefit cut' is going to include...drug addicts. And you thought it was just the blind, the halt, the lame, didn't you?

Well, that's one to ponder on next time a highly-emotive campaign against reform of the benefits culture starts up, isn't it?
His lawyer Stephen Walker told Exeter magistrates: "His benefits have been reviewed and is now getting £30 a week. He could not manage with the amount of income he was getting."
Couldn't he? Awwwww....

Hang on, I've got something around here, now, where is it....



  1. David Gillies8 May 2012 at 16:34

    If he has a drug habit then he is necessarily existing on more than 30 quid a week. In other words he is nicking stuff left, right and centre, and is a horrid little toerag who needs either incarceration or compulsory addiction treatment. The pictured violin is a bit on the large side. I'm sure today's nanotechnology is capable of making one more appropriately to scale.

  2. Meh, alcoholism guarantees you higher rate Disability Living Allowance, and has done for decades: "Drink problem? Here's an extra sixty beer vouchers a week! Don't spend it all at once!" Ludicrous. The welfare state cash dispersal project at full bore.

  3. I have two alcoholic neighbours (lucky me!) both of whom spend more on booze each week than I can afford to spend on food, courtesy of the generous benefits they get (neither ever having worked in their lives).

    But let's be generous, their 'incomes' pale to insignificance as compared to the single 'ladies' (again neighbours, I live in such a salubrious neighborhood) who churn out a sprog or twelve so as to get their free house (car, 52" telly, foreign holidays, nights out, etc.). One, a Portuguese woman, has her £500 plus rent on a four bedroomed house payed, which she, with only one child, then rents out to other Portuguese benefit recipients. What does the benefits office do? Nothing of course!

    The sooner the benefits system (and all the rest) collapses, the better!

  4. " In other words he is nicking stuff left, right and centre..."

    Yup! A problem that wouldn't go away if drugs were legalised, either. Unless they were given away...

    "Ludicrous. The welfare state cash dispersal project at full bore."

    And lots of people aren't aware of this, amazingly enough, and think it's an anomaly when they see a story like this in the papers.

    "The sooner the benefits system (and all the rest) collapses, the better!"

