Thursday 21 June 2012

Gosh, How Awfully Convenient!

Burnley Crown Court heard the defendant, who had 15 offences on his record, had now been assessed by a psychiatrist for the first time. He had been diagnosed with schizophrenia and was on medication.
I’m sure that’s not in any way a ploy by the defence to get him leniency. No siree!


  1. Robert the Biker21 June 2012 at 10:55

    It's time useless pricks like this heard the little voices say "You're going to get a bloody good kicking son"

  2. Let's re-open old-style Mental Institutions where the mentally ill REALLY got "treatment".

    We'll see how many of them there REALLY are, then.

  3. Forgot to add to above ^^....we used to say 'round 'ere "there's nothin down for that one but Bedlam or Borstal."

  4. Some of the old style mental institutions had working farms, where the patients actually worked. Wouldn't that be good, the little scrote working to pay for his bed and board, rehabilitation through proper labour.

    Failing that, hang the little tosser, the world would be a better place.


  5. "We'll see how many of them there REALLY are, then."

    Throw in the 'ADHD sufferers' too!

    "Not unlike Brevik's insanity."

    He's no more insane than I am...
