Monday 11 June 2012

Not Keeping A Welcome In The Hillsides...

Some 800 people had just finished Friday prayers at the St Helen's Road venue when arguments escalated between a small group and the rest of the congregation.
Mosque management committee secretary Farid Ali said four individuals clashed with mosque leaders and regulars.
He said the quartet, who had brought a couple of associates with them, were regarded as outsiders although they were from the Swansea area.
*bites tongue*
Mr Ali said there was verbal to-ing and fro-ing before the congregation endeavoured unsuccessfully to get them to leave.
"The individuals didn't stop and got surrounded," he said.
"Then we called the police and asked them to calm the situation down."
They must have loved that...

But what started the argument? A difference of opinion over close-party harmony tactics, the best wood for mine pit props or the merits of Balwen Welsh Mountain vs Lleyn sheep?
Mr Ali explained the mosque was overseen and run by a board of trustees and the management committee, which were elected every five years and three years respectively.
He said this democratic, open and accountable element to the mosque did not always go down well with some of the older Muslims who were used to the more autocratic systems which prevailed in the countries of their birth.
Ah. Well, that's clear, then, isn't it?


  1. An open and shut case of "Islam - Y'r Doin' It Wrong".

  2. Robert the Biker11 June 2012 at 13:38

    Proper response: Well then, piss off back to one of the autocratic countries you obviously prefer.

  3. Well if they like it a bit more autocratic why not try the Syrian mode of autocracy and shell the mosque?

  4. Buymore Lurpak11 June 2012 at 21:36

    +1 for Dr C.

    It's the old Sean Connery situation- these bastards will do anything for islam - except live in a country run under it.

  5. "Proper response: Well then, piss off back to one of the autocratic countries you obviously prefer."

    Amen! (or whatever the equivalent is)

    "It's the old Sean Connery situation- these bastards will do anything for islam - except live in a country run under it."

    Good point!
