Friday 15 June 2012

Question: When Is A Stealth Tax Not A Stealth Tax?

Julie Holmes, the mother of 12-year-old Olympic torchbearer Holly, who has cerebral palsy, autism and epilepsy, said: “Charities need the donations to these clothes banks, but for local authorities it’s another stealth tax .”
Answer: When the public aren’t actually losing out because of it!
Richard Hawkes, chief executive of Scope, said: “Is this really what the public wants to happen when it donates unwanted clothes?”
Well, if not, then they can simply stop using the banks and go to Scope direct, can’t they? As the council clearly points out to you:
Colin Smith, Bromley’s executive councillor for environment, said… “Many charities already make door to door collections and Scope could also choose to do this or relocate their banks on private land if they wish to.”
Sorry, charities, your free lunch just got a bit less free.

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