Tuesday 5 June 2012

There Are 'Guardian' Readers In Croxteth? Who Knew?

Parishioners at Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Catholic Church, in Croxteth, Liverpool, were shocked to discover that the attack had been taken out by such young children.
Really? I'd have thought it'd be quite normal.
One said: 'It was heartbreaking to see the damage. To find out that the instigator is a six-year-old is awful. We can only hope that he gets help.'


  1. "We can only hope that he gets help"

    In the form of a few lashes from a sturdy leather belt...

  2. Considering that so many martyrs in the past were burned at the stake there is a grim irony in children going in for arson. More to the point however, there seems to be an increasing amount of this at present.

  3. XX the attack had been taken out XX


    This is a TYPICAL "babelfisch" mistake. Have they sub contracted the editing to some wogs in the third world now, as well as everything else?

  4. Furor: Of course they have. Everything else is off shored, right? Probably somewhere in India, although Ghana seems to be coming on in the offshoring world.

  5. Furor and FI, Hopefully, the sub contract will be moved to Nigeria so that the bloke who contacts me to ask about fire insurance can also advise me how I can obtain some of the £40 million he has in a secret bank account if I help him move it to the UK. Can hardly wait!

  6. ancient + tattered airman5 June 2012 at 23:21

    What sort of cloth was it before it was altered?


  7. Croxteth needs something based on this puppy!



  8. "More to the point however, there seems to be an increasing amount of this at present."

    'Long Hot Summer' - yr doin' it wrong!

    "This is a TYPICAL "babelfisch" mistake."

    There's a hell of a lot of this about too.

    "Croxteth needs something based on this puppy!"

    £36k for 'conduct(ing) assessments and provide(ing) appropriate intervention plans'..?!?
