Monday 13 August 2012

Gallows Humour…

An 81-year-old woman suffered facial injuries when she was knocked to the ground by a cyclist riding along the pavement like “a bat out of Hell” .
A nasty incident, to be sure, and one that causes the age-old strife between cyclists and pedestrians to break out anew in the comments.

First comment, however, was priceless!
monkeyhanger says...
He will be gone now the morning has come.

There’s always one humourless commenter, however:
Omega Point says...
Before quoting the classic song from Meatloaf, which may seem clever, had you actually looked at the injuries of this lady

For some, though, there’s always a political angle. Always:
Tom6187 says...
How could you just ride off? These kind of people are lower than Tories.
*double sigh*


  1. "These kind of people are lower than Tories"

    aka Labour voters.

  2. Clearly a lot of people writing to the rag need a sense of humour transplant.

  3. My first thought would have been "Gonna hit the pensioner like a battering ram on a silver black phantom bike".

  4. A good stout walking stick is the answer - especially through the front wheel of such cyclists, after all where else would said stick go as you are knocked down.

  5. So Bats cycle out of hell then?

    And good bats go to heaven?

  6. Can I just say how much I am admiring your restraint Julia? You must be desperate to post about the Tia story regarding the police apology....

  7. Some Tories I know are over 6 feet tall.

  8. Chumba wumba tub thumping.
    (I am going to be old one day so this isn't bad taste or anything)

  9. Jaded,

    There you are. I wondered when you might surface.

    Can't find a dead body in a bin bag in a crack-head's house.

    Unbelievable. But it's OK, because they're 'sorry'.

    Do you know why I've stopped you, Sir?

    Is it because I've got a rotting corpse in the loft?

    No, you were doing 32 in a 30 zone.

  10. Oh Noggin, it must be wonderful to be so RIGHT about everything ALL of the time. The truth will out about this sad and squalid life (not yours) and it's very sad end. The pointless and grubby daily snuffling of many of these 'Addo' residents will once again make the chattering classes gasp with shock and horror, enquiries judge led or otherwise will be called for and lessons will be learned but not from numptys like you Noggin.

  11. "Clearly a lot of people writing to the rag need a sense of humour transplant."

    Oh, it's always the way - one wag, four sour-faced miseryguts.

    "My first thought would have been "Gonna hit the pensioner like a battering ram on a silver black phantom bike"."


    "Can I just say how much I am admiring your restraint Julia? You must be desperate to post about the Tia story regarding the police apology...."

    Well, at the moment, we don't know all the details. We just know that the Met have been suspiciously quick with a public apology.

    That tells you a lot.

  12. You see it is like this Nog, old bean. You know zilch without police training. LOL

  13. Noggin,your true colours come out at last-you got done for speeding.That's why you are so bitter.
    PS What do you do for a living? I presume that never once have you made a mistake in your job.To be open and honest I will go first-I am a PC in South London and have been for 23 years.I have made lots of mistakes.You next.

    1. She is middal class hand educatid to.

  14. Jaded,

    Never been done for speeding, completely clean license.

    Worked in the UK and abroad, 20 odd years, sales and manufacturing, mostly. Made loads of mistakes.
