Monday 27 August 2012

She's Ruining My Stats!

Serial liar Kelly Walsh – who made up a story that she had been raped – has been jailed again after falsely claiming her ex-boyfriend had attacked her.
She later "tried to bluff her way out of it" but eventually confessed to lying yet again, a court heard.
Damn! Does she count as one case or two?
Mr Stevens was not arrested and the allegation was treated with disbelief by the police.
Well, that's refreshing!


  1. I wonder who this post is going to attract-like flies to s%%t.He of many names.........

    Why would anyone rape this troll? One look at her and the judge should say "be grateful for any attention young lady".

  2. Are you actually keeping a tally?

  3. "Are you actually keeping a tally?"

    Well, Blogger's doing that for me, every time I use the tag!

  4. Jeez. I made the mistake of clicking on the link. She looks like Shrek. Not Fiona, Shrek. It must be like a wizard's sleeve.
